Results for: Democratic Presidential Candidates

Character, Policy and the Selection of Leaders
– The end of Labor Day weekend in the United States traditionally has represented the beginning of U.S. presidential campaigns … The "beauty pageant" approach to presidential elections infuriates ideologues and policy experts who believe that the election should … The Question of Character When Hillary Clinton was competing with Obama for the 2008 Democratic Party presidential nomination, she…
The Democrats' Charlotte's Web of Deception
– In Charlotte, Democrats will feature two former Presidents and a failed presidential candidate. … He will have to count on a weakened Democratic Party to pull him through this election.   … Who are the other leaders in the Democratic Party?…
Are You Better Off ...?
– As the Democratic Party gathers in Charlotte, North Carolina this week to re-nominate Barack Obama, the big question Republicans are … was posed by Ronald Reagan during the one and only Presidential debate with Jimmy Carter on October 28, 1980. … The story of that debate was that it was the only debate that year between the two candidates and it occurred one week prior to the…
Obama vs. Romney, Vis-a-Vis Israel
– Specifically, several other recent presidential candidates used or endorsed the same "bus" formulation vis-à-vis Obama and Israel, … City, also said, in Sept. 2011, that Obama "threw Israel under the bus," but Koch, 87, represents the fading old guard of the Democratic … extremist, wrote about his last conversation with Obama in early 2004, as the latter was in the midst of a primary campaign for the Democratic
Inspiring but Not Slick, Romney Showed Right Stuff
– Former Democratic Rep. Artur Davis eloquently described his own disenchantment with the president. … Democrats like their presidential candidates to be philosopher kings.…
Conventions Don't Matter -- and Mean Even Less
– Political junkies get excited about the Republican and Democratic national conventions, but for many Americans they provide a stark … A half-century ago, conventions mattered because they actually selected presidential candidates.…
Confirmed: Despite Recycled DNC Speech, Obama Gets Poll Bounce
– (Democratic pollster PPP indicates Obama holds a similar edge in Ohio..assuming record Democrat turnout).  … In eight states,’s reporting of the most recent statewide polls puts the margin between the two candidates at less than … The first presidential debate is schedule for October 3rd in Denver. …
Top Ten Ballot Measures
– Regardless of what happens in the presidential race or in the pitched battle for control of the U.S. … Accordingly, voters need to give them a healthy dose of democratic medicine. … Prohibits union and corporate contributions to candidates and their committees.…
A Vote For Romney is a Vote Against Socialism
presidential nominee came straight from the socialist playbook. … Probably despite their better focus-group-driven judgment, the presidential candidates and the political parties they lead have suddenly … That's the bottom line of a video presentation at the Democratic National Convention this week.…
Swing State Voters Disagree With Obama's Extreme Abortion Stance
– “The presidential race - being fought mostly on economic and employment terrain - has been stuck in neutral for months," observed Kellyanne … “To prevail, one of these candidates needs a ‘breakout’ moment to distinguish him from the other and to hit a nerve with a skeptical … These numbers come just weeks after the Democratic Party adopted a platform promoting taxpayer funded abortion and the elimination…
Culture Challenge of the Week: Bias and Spin
– Even though they advance larger government, more taxes, pro-abortion policies and the liberal candidates that support them, you can't … try and intimidate the Gallup poll organization, and has now joined a federal lawsuit against Gallup, instigated by a former Democratic … And in sharpening their critical thinking skills, we can hone our own--and ensure that the organizations and candidates we support…
It's Not Just the Economy, Stupid!
– possibly the end of the Euro -- owing to the inevitable failure of the very type of welfare state that the president and the Democratic … ... a Republican candidate should not merely win in the November elections, he should win in a landslide.Yet, polls show the candidates … Unfortunately, with the exception of Ronald Reagan, no Republican presidential candidate in our lifetime has articulated the distinctive…
Media Bias and the 47 Percent
– In a presidential race as tight as this one -- the Gallup daily tracking poll Thursday showed the candidates tied at 47 percent -- … So why is Romney's repeating the Democratic mantra controversial? … And it's harder still when the media distort what the candidates actually say and the context in which they say it.…
Preview: Warren & Brown Face Off in First Television Debate
– After months of retail politicking and back-and-forth banter, tonight -- at 7:00 pm in the great city of Boston -- US Democratic Senate … In fact, weeks before the January 19th election, the Republican hopeful trailed then-Democratic Senate candidate Martha Coakley by … So what should we be thinking about before the lights dim and the candidates take the stage?…
Inside Team Romney's Plans To Win
– . – Behind the façade of a nondescript building in Beantown’s north end, Mitt Romney’s presidential campaign headquarters is buzzing … The campaign is accelerating into a full sprint as the 2012 presidential race enters its final leg. … “The Democrats’ convention had a real bump effect, not just for Obama, but for other Democrat candidates, too,” Newhouse says.…
Analysis: Will Republicans Win the Senate?
– President Obama has a very small lead in the state, but it's currently in play on the presidential level.  … Jim Webb is retiring after one term) will rest on the presidential result in the Commonwealth.  I tend to agree. … New Mexico and Hawaii - Strong female GOP candidates are the only factors keeping either of these races remotely close. …
A Fork in the Road to Election Day, or: The Choice Just Got Clearer…k_in_the_road_to_election_day_or_the_choice_just_got_clearer
– the wonkiest and most revealing contrast yet between the candidates. … The candidates actually exchanged views, not just jabs. … Bush did at a telling moment in one of his presidential debates/ordeals.…
Debate Eve Poll: Romney 47, Obama 47
– As Americans prepare for the first of three presidential debates this evening in Denver, a nationwide poll of likely voters released … It is among the narrowest margins of several presidential surveys published ahead of the debate this week. … The likely-voter party splits are 36 percent Democratic, 29 percent Republican, and 30 percent independent.…
Polls: Obama Maintains Small National Lead
– As the presidential debates are set to kick off this week, Barack Obama continues to hold a modest national lead over Mitt Romney … The Democratic pollster (PPP) warns, "It's a mistake to think based on recent polling in Ohio that the race there is over. … (Two recent Virginia polls have shown the presidential race in a virtual tie, further refuting WaPo's contention that Obama is running…
Obama's Not Mr. Right
– The Democratic Party tailor-designed a class warfare strategy for Mitt Romney well over a year ago.  … But a Democratic negative campaign aimed at a GOP defeat is no match for the Republican Party’s ability to fickle itself into a loss … But the primary election brings all of the algebraic challenges of having multiple candidates. …
Obama, Romney Get Feisty in Second Debate
– HEMPSTEAD, NY - President Obama was noticeably sharper and more aggressive in tonight's debate, as both candidates exchanged barbs … I fear we'll hear even more interrupting, one of the most grating elements of both tonight's exchange and the Vice Presidential debate … UPDATE IV - Democratic strategist Joe Trippi: "I don't think it's going to change the dynamics of the race." …
Round Two: Romney, Obama Square Off in New York
– HEMPSTEAD, NY - America's two presidential candidates will go toe-to-toe in another high-stakes debate this evening; they'll debate … Hell, it'll be tough for anyone to replicate in future presidential cycles.   … Among the independents questioned, Paul Ryan won the Vice Presidential debate by double digits).  …
Joe Biden's Religion: Catholicism or Leftism?
– In the vice presidential debate, the two candidates, both Roman Catholics, were asked about their religious beliefs, how they impact … the candidates' political positions and specifically about abortion. … A second is that he does believe in it but would have to leave the Democratic Party if he tried to implement that policy.…
Virginia Democrats Push "Women's Issues" As Lead Dissipates
– Allen in Virginia narrows, the Kaine campaign has begun relying on identity politics to attempt to draw contrasts between the candidates … The Democratic Party of Virginia on Friday also announced the release of a YouTube video featuring series of women. … Virginia is a key state that presidential election-watchers have their eyes on, but it is also one of the key seats that Republicans…
Top 8 Most Unusual Candidates
– Just wait till you hear these candidates’ views and pet issues. ------------------- From Townhall Magazine's October feature … , "Top 8 Most Unusual Candidates," by Kate Hicks: Here in America, we’re taught to believe that through hard work and dedication … See the remaining six candidates who made our list by ordering the October issue of Townhall Magazine.  …
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