Results for: Democratic Presidential Candidates

Who's Afraid of Wealthy Politicians?
– anyway.Romney has resisted releasing more than two years' worth of tax returns -- presumably because he knows that an army of DemocraticDemocratic Party Chairperson Debbie Wasserman Schultz unloaded on Romney, saying he needed to release his tax returns "So we can see … candidates, north of Al Gore but south of John Kerry.…
Regaining our E Pluribus Unum
– An evocative video recently flourished through social media to encourage Mexico’s presidential candidates to clean up the country’s … While commonly hard-working and humble, these folks are easy marks for the Democratic Party.  … And the harm that comes from rewarding the hucksters of the Democratic Party with their votes is to invoke the recurring nightmare…
Israel: Obama's Wedge Issue
– Less than 100 days before the US presidential elections, the Obama administration is openly denying Israel's sovereignty over Jerusalem … For the past two years, Democratic leaders have insisted that support for Israel is bipartisan. … Last year, Democratic National Committee chairwoman Rep.…
The Election, the Presidency and Foreign Policy
– So candidates promise great, transformative programs. … Thus, while during his 2000 presidential campaign George W. … The degree to which the winner matters, however, is unclear, though knowing the inclinations of presidential candidates regardless…
For Women in 2012, A War on Stereotypes
Democratic female Senators Patty Murray, Barbara Boxer, and Diane Feinstein – all of whom have been quick to declare their outrage … Women are CEOs, entrepreneurs, world leaders, power brokers, and, in 2008, viable and credible presidential and vice-presidential candidates
Warning: the Economy -and Your Tax Bill- Could Look Vastly Different by 2015…conomy_and_your_tax_bill_could_look_vastly_different_by_2015
– In the summer of 2015, either one or both political parties will begin the search for their next presidential candidate (depending … Right now, we have a pretty clear read on the broadly-staked positions of the Democratic Party. … In recent weeks, we've seen GOP primary victories by tea party candidates for the Senate in Indiana and Texas.…
To Stop Mitt, Obama Targets N.C., Florida, Ohio
– Our presidential elections, pundits sometimes remind us, are not national contests, but rather contests in 50 states and the District … The candidates' percentage margins were less than 10 percent in only 15 states with 159 electoral votes. … Some have argued that this is due to overly Democratic samples in some cases.…
Obama Camp: Okay, Maybe We Did Know Soptic's Story After All
–   Lanny Davis, a former top adviser to President Bill Clinton, today issued a scathing rebuke to a controversial new Democratic … “I’m pretty sad for our country that we have presidential candidates engaging in sophomoric — and that’s a compliment — sophomoric…
Midsummer Madness
– It's now less than three months until our presidential election. … If the pollsters are indeed correct and this really is a neck-and-neck presidential race, the difference between the two candidates … Drug-fueled violence threatens the stability of democratic governments in Mexico, Honduras and Guatemala.…
Can Obama Win It on Likability?
– The recent past certainly indicates a strong popular preference for likable candidates: in the 32 years since 1980, all eight presidential … In one celebrated 2004 poll, the American people chose the incumbent commander in chief over Democratic rival John Kerry as the candidate … Meanwhile, the Democratic assaults on Romney take aim at his personal life, his private-sector career, even his impeccable family.…
The National Conventions: Blast From the Past or Vision of the Future?
– The last two Democratic presidents benefitted immensely from the exposure gained from enjoying a prime-time speaking spot at their … Yet, for every Bill Clinton or Barack Obama, there are dozens of presidential wannabes who jockey for speaking slots at their national … Another serves as governor of the former Democratic Party stronghold of Louisiana -- Bobby Jindal.…
No More Boring White Guys for the GOP
– a boring white guy as the presidential nominee. … But candidates like Ted Cruz are. … Poor people tend to vote Democratic. There are a lot of poor Latinos in the U.S.…
GOP Convention: No Suspense, Little Drama, Lots of Show
– Seven days later, the 46th Democratic National Convention will assemble in presumably non-hurricane-threatened Charlotte, N.C. … "Favorite son" candidates with support from home state delegations would wait for real contenders to bid for their support. … In 1960, John Kennedy got his majority for the Democratic nomination from Wyoming, the last state on the roll call.…
Mocking Obama and the Rest of the Political Clowns
Candidates who are legitimately that stupid are less likely to get elected. … It was just announced that most of the speakers at this year’s Democratic National Convention will be women. … I read that one of the presidential debates will have a town hall format where citizens will ask the candidates questions.…
To California GOP, Tampa a Far-Away and Hostile Planet
– "I don't spend a lot of time thinking about Mitt Romney," Elizabeth Emken, the Republican who will face off against Democratic Sen. … McCarthy showed up with three "young guns" -- candidates who can raise money and build an organization and he says, have a solid shot … That's the McCarthy formula: Pick young candidates who want to get things done.…
Cheer Up: Four Reasons Why Obama May Lose Big in November
– Ever since former Massachusetts Governor Mitt Romney clinched the 2012 Republican presidential nomination last May, President Obama … The joint fund-raising committee for Romney, the presumptive Republican presidential nominee, claimed cash on hand totaling $185.9 … The candidates’ joint fund-raising committees include their own campaigns, their parties’ national committees and other affiliated…
Remember the Ladies: DNC Quickly Becoming Giant Pro-Choice Rally
– controversy--and his refusal to leave the Missouri Senate race--has revived their chances of winning a majority of women in the presidential … them in battleground states, Bratty and Omero describe Walmart moms as frustrated with the tone of the campaign and with both candidates … Those were some of the labels attached to the Democratic incumbent during the discussions.…
Pure Chicago: Obama Campaign Violates Tradition by Crashing Romney Convention…obama_campaign_violates_tradition_to_crash_romney_convention
Presidential candidates have traditionally kept a low profile during their opponent's nominating celebration, but Democrats are throwing … "It's gonna be the strongest yet," a Democratic leadership aide said Wednesday. … Does that mean that Romney may counter-program the Democratic convention in Charlotte next month?…
The Confidence Game
– own constructive leadership by pointing to a roaring economy, a rapidly declining deficit, and an increasingly peaceful and democratic … Since the ratification of the Constitution, we’ve gone through 51 presidential elections with an incumbent eligible to run, and in … Nor is the mixed performance a relic of the distant past: of the last six candidates to run for the presidency as White House incumbents…
Journo-Tools for Obama
– and CBS's Bob Schieffer will preside over the three presidential debates; ABC's Martha Raddatz will host the sole vice presidentialcandidates and combative, fili-blustery lectures for Republican candidates campaign cycle after cycle. … If not the 2012 GOP presidential ticket, then who? If not now, then when?…
Obama in High Seas
– his charges that Mitt Romney has been responsible for at least one death and is a tax cheat were not outside the "bounds" of presidential … , "and the ads that I've approved and are produced by my campaign, you'll see that we point out sharp differences between the candidates … Inevitably, they go back to 2004 and the charges that Senator John Kerry, then the Democratic candidate for president, had his war…
Obama ads' focus on abortion is unprecedented
– Typically, TV ads for presidential candidates focus on themes that can draw bipartisan support -- the economy, health care and education … candidates while spotlighting abortion. … "We have not seen this kind of campaigning coming from a presidential campaign before.…
Pure Gold: Obama Blasts Medicare Cuts to Fund New Healthcare Program
– Obama has admitted to these Medicare cuts on national television, and that his Deputy Campaign manager touted the cuts as a presidential … A new messaging memo from the NRCC draws a roadmap for GOP candidates to take the fight to their opponents on this topic, with internal … Ryan's plan (Ryan's plan doesn't touch anyone over 55, preserves Medicare for future generations, invokes ObamaCare), and the Democratic
A Debate About Debates
– the one vice-presidential exchange between Joe Biden and Paul Ryan. … Any of these would generate serious interest and boost ratings. 3) Have the candidates question each other. … Losers in previous Democratic primaries might be selected, too. Hillary Clinton would be fun.…
The $10 Million Per Minute Platform
– Both claim commitment to limited government (although the Democratic version can hardly be said to do so with the proverbial “straight … Perhaps most noticeably, both Platforms promise to tackle the huge federal debt, oblivious to the fact that both the incumbent, Democratic … Unburdened by any partisan baggage, and buttressed by impeccable substantive credentials, Walker is able to go where candidates from…
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