Results for: white house debate response

The Death of Capitalism? Don't Bet on It
– A member of Congress expressed similar sentiments the same year, as Tom Amlie, a Wisconsin Republican who later returned to the House … Ronald Reagan took over the White House directly from Jimmy Carter but he brought vastly different ideas to the table on how to run … The top tax rate has fluctuated wildly over the years in response to both economic and political pressures --- from 73% under Woodrow…
Obama's plan: 58% Tax Rates
– Job creation would explode in response, the economy would burn white hot back to health, and it would make President Obama not only … The White House is now going silent on the impact of breaking their campaign promises, the first of which was to return to only the … These are not convincing arguments, even to the White House press corps.…
Has Rodney King Moved to Cambridge?
– Having the parties meet this month for a beer at the White House will rectify the president’s problems. … He had committed the unpardonable sin of missing his subway stop and riding into “white” South Boston. … The shooter was a black man who just wanted to “shoot someone white.”…
Are Black Victims of Police Brutality the Only Ones that Count?
– Prosecutors announced this seemingly reasonable decision just days after the celebrated “Beer Summit” at the White House brought together … It’s not because episodes involving white suspects never occur. … a white homeowner in an identical situation.…
Obama Turns On Freedom Around the Globe
– But this time they were ignored by the White House. … The normally pro-Obama Washington Post editorial page was quick to conclude that the White House was saying, “Message to Mr. … Only after the Washington Post contacted the White House to explain their silence did they proceed to issue a bland statement.…
Obama Has Aura but Doesn't Know How To Legislate
– Consider the debate on the Democrats' health care bill and the increasingly negative response to Barack Obama's performance. … On the major legislation considered this year -- the stimulus, cap-and-trade, health care -- the Obama White House has done little … Most of Obama's top White House staffers are politics operatives, not policy wonks.…
Is This America's Better History?
– Unlike the Obama administration, the Bush White House never set up a special website for supporters to report "fishy" e-mails and websites … He built his resume of leadership as a community organizer in Chicago and rode to the White House on a tidal wave of "grassroots" support … An issue of this magnitude and importance should spark robust discussion and debate. …
The Great American 'Oh, Yeah?',_yeah
– Democratic hotshots, from the White House on down, blame the throngs protesting at town hall meetings. Baloney. … Not the way the White House and its allies have planned this legislative version of Patton's lightning thrust through France. … Pelosi and her fellow reformers, from the White House on down.…
President Obama, Linda Douglas, And The Very, Very Stubborn Facts,_linda_douglas,_and_the_very,_very_stubborn_facts
– Since we can’t keep track of all of them here at the White House, we’re asking for your help. … It’s nothing new to see “political spin” emerging from the White House. … Barack Obama once wanted to eliminate private health insurance, and the White House is snooping on private citizens.…
The Top 7 Most Embarrassing Town Hall Moments for Democrats
– 1) Kenneth Gladney is beaten by union thugs: A black man at a political rally was assaulted by white thugs who used racial epithets … waiting for a response. … The conservative response was to start bringing guns to the town hall meetings.…
Fact-Checking President Obama’s Health Care Talking Points’s_health_care_talking_points
House with pro-life activists. … Thus, the status quo remains: House Democrats’ health care legislation would allow the U.S. … The response we received essentially said ‘Thanks, but no thanks.’…
A Tackle Box Full of Race Bait
– Anti-white racists all? … , including those in the White House, that smearing millions of constituents and swing voters (many of whom voted for Obama) as racists … And her instinctive response is: "fair or not, what I heard was an unspoken word in the air: You lie, boy!"…
Obama Is Out Of Control-Are Democrats Okay With That?
– Czar,” was terminated by President Obama when it was discovered that Jones once identified himself as an “avowed communist,” and White … , for that matter – actually think and believe about this “communism” theme in the Obama White House. … For his part, Minnick’s response to my “communism” question was quite telling.…
All the President's Climategate Deniers
– You won't be surprised by the Obama administration's response to Climategate. … With pursed lips and closed eyes and ears, the White House is clinging to the old eco-mantra: The science is settled. … He went on to Harvard and the White House.…
Zarqawi Killed
– From the Daily Kos response: Some guy on ABC is saying this is a "nail in the coffin of Al Queda." Bull [expletive]. … "We had absolutely no doubt that Zarqawi was in the house. … White House briefing scheduled.…
The Prager / Medved / Volokh / Ellison Showdown Over Koran-Swearing…prager__medved__volokh__ellison_showdown_over_koran-swearing
– You can watch Prager and Volokh debate it, here. … Today, Prager takes on the subject again in "A response to my many critics-- and a solution." The meat of it. … We've also seen White House celebrations under both Clinton and Bush of major Muslim feasts (Eid al Adha and Eid al Fitr) in which…
Interview with Vic Gold (Friend of 41 Says 43 Lost His Way)
– Bush’s arrival in the White House in 2001. ML:  What do you think it’s like for H.W. … conservative activists are unlikely to follow that advice, let me simply advise that they resist the temptation to see the political debate … Dogma, cant and a knee-jerk response to issues are the hallmark of totalitarian, not libertarian conservative thinking ...…
Project President: Barack Obama's Big Mistake
– The critical exchange occurred about 20 minutes into the debate. Sen. … Moments after Obama's response, he attacked Bill Clinton's involvement in Hillary's campaign. … As I explain in my new book, "Project President: Bad Hair and Botox on the Road to the White House," Barack Obama's appeal springs…
"Direct Impact"
– Hayden makes it clear to his staff that the CIA will adhere to U.S. law, he does not hesitate to say that the new ban, which the WhiteHouse insists President Bush will veto, spells danger for the security of the United States. … This manual, crafted in response to the abuses at Abu Ghraib [prison in Iraq], was designed for a different population of detainees…
At War with History
– Clinton got it wrong," Barack Obama said Sunday in response to a Clinton campaign ad that suggests only Hillary Clinton would be ready … to answer a late-night emergency phone call to the White House. … Rockefeller also said in his statement before his war vote, "There has been some debate over how 'imminent' a threat Iraq poses.…
A Strong America Needs a Strong Dollar
– McCain has pointed out, it will be a civil and respectful debate, but very, very spirited, as indeed it should be, with Obama and Clinton … Those on the left will ask in response, "Don't you have to have higher interest rates to strengthen the dollar?" … House and gain seats in the U.S.…
McCain, Not Disarmed,_not_disarmed
– The debate over such "a conversation" was heightened by Bush's speech last week to the Israeli Knesset, suggesting "appeasement" by … The White House has privately informed the McCain campaign it had no intention of leaping into presidential politics, but Obama's defensive … response enabled him again to link McCain with Bush.…
Tale of Two Books
– Bush administration, What Happened: Inside the Bush White House and Washington’s Culture of Deception. … Noonan welcomed McClellan’s book as a contribution to a needed “debate on the issues” he addressed – notably, the grounds for the United … Peggy Noonan declared that she “believes” McClellan and urged that more people “who work or worked within the Bush White House will…
Trashing the Job Makers
– In response, Obama pushed through a stimulus bill that went well beyond the borrowing done by George W. … Just this week senior White House adviser Valerie Jarrett, press secretary Robert Gibbs and senior White House adviser David Axelrod … If the White House insiders can't get their theoretical numbers straight, how can anyone else?…
It's Time for Obama to Look At Terrorism Differently
– Fort Hood shootings and again after the foiled Christmas Day attack by suspect Umar Farouk Abdulmutallab, the president's initial response … For instance, Time's Peter Beinart and Newsweek's Fareed Zakaria argue that the American response to the Christmas Day bomber was " … The White House insists that it is not ideological but pragmatic, and yet it clings to an ideological nostrum that hawkishness on terrorism…
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