Results for: dissent from supreme power

Roberts' Ruling Took Guts
– But Roberts also found that it's constitutional under Congress's power to tax. … And among supporters of ObamaCare, from the White House on down, no one cares whether he does. … other than reason backward from the result he wanted in order to buy respect from the court's critics at the expense of his own beliefs…
Court Wraps Video Games in First Amendment
Supreme Court got it wrong in Brown v. Entertainment Merchant Association. … The issue was a California law that would prohibit the $60 billion-a-year video game industry from selling hideously violent games … stop parents from buying or allowing their kids to buy them.…
N.Y. GOP, Supremes Join Cultural Assault on Children and Common Sense…_supremes_join_cultural_assault_on_children_and_common_sense
– But you should not be allowed to use the power of the law to force your delusions on others. … sharpening legal knives to use against traditionalist schoolteachers, employers and institutions of all kinds, the United States SupremeSupreme Court Justice Robert Jackson, in a much-quoted 1949 dissent in Terminiello v.…
Obama to God and America: You're Wrong About Marriage
– prominent Democrats –and some useful idiot Republicans – have been pretending to support marriage while doing everything in their power … Obama and the Democrats are attacking morality from all sides, emboldened by the tepid response. … Hoover Institution Research Fellow Stanley Kurtz has chronicled the acceleration of societal uncoupling from marriage in Sweden:…
Our 2021 Christmas Message: 'Fear Not!'
– , attacks on traditional values and serious threats from Russia, Iran, North Korea and Communist China. … Because Christ was born, lived, died and arose from the grave, we know the words of the Christmas carol, "O Holy Night," are true: … He was born, lived and died to save us from sin and, by doing so, end human suffering.…
What Is the Next Step in the Evolution of Left-Wing Authoritarianism?…step-in-the-evolution-of-leftwing-authoritarianism-n2600737
– Does he detain Donald Trump and other prominent Republicans and conservatives, to prevent them from campaigning effectively? … Court As We Know It” “The Supreme Court is Drunk On Its Own Power” “The Courts Have Served As an Anti-Democratic Force For Much … History” “The Supreme Court: Anti-Democratic, Anti-American, Immoral?”…