Results for: Barack Obama Website

Strategic Twitter
– In late April, the White House started its own video channel, which ran a "self-report" of President Barack Obama greeting the NCAA … Tapper dubbed the White House's Web channel "OTV" (Obama television). … The video appears on the White House's official Website and attempts to rebut a story that appeared on The Drudge Report (…
Obamacare meets Twitter
– President Obama is a clever and ambitious man. And he has surrounded himself with a clever and ambitious staff. … Obama is handling health care" and 52 percent disapprove, are being paid off by insurance companies. … Their problem is not that President Obama has not communicated. Their problem is that he has.…
Obama's Kryptonite
– In the Extreme Towns episode, there was a segment on the town of Metropolis, Illionois, featuring a picture of Barack Obama standing … Candidate Super Obama made many promises pertaining to transparency. … The reality of the Obama administration became even clearer during the health care debate.…
GOP: Do Something!!
– At the RNC, we get the same old thing: unflattering pictures of Obama and Pelosi, asking us if their plan is "worth the risk."  … Dear Republicans--even the majority of Independents don't like the Obama plan, let alone party loyalists who frequent your website. … The second front-page story at the RNC: Barack Obama is a failure. …
Hate Mail 2009
– Adams’ website. You really stooped to [sic] low with this column. You should never use the word “fat”. --Anonymous. … Obama." … I was certainly not going to vote for Barack Obama, as your [sic]. But, I definitely thought your joke was insensitive.…
Glenn Beck Has Brass Gonads
– Beck has formally joined Rush as an Official Pain in Barack Obama’s Backside (OPIBOB). (Are you an OPIBOB yet?) … Are you going to place Glenn’s picture on the White House website and draw naughty stuff on his forehead? Unbelievable. … - Did President Obama know of Van Jones’ radical political beliefs when he named him special advisor?…
ACORN Crackdown: Senate Votes 83-7 to Deny Access to Housing Funds…_crackdown_senate_votes_83-7_to_deny_access_to_housing_funds
– the families who have benefited from ACORN's important work," ACORN chief Bertha Lewis said in a statement posted on the group's website … The House and Senate must resolve differences before a final measure can be sent to Obama to sign into law. … How ironic is it that ACORN might just lose all its funding under THE community organizer-in-chief, Barack Obama?…
Michael Moore Economics is Driving Washington
– “Trailers” and “promos” available at the film’s website depict Moore doing his usual shtick - - showing-up unexpectedly at select locations … The website also explains Moore ’s conclusion: capitalism is “evil,” America needs something different, and that “something” is “democracy … And didn’t this kind of “feeling” help drive Barack Obama to the White House?…
Media Bite into 'Vetting' Apple
Obama must have been misinformed about Mr. Jones. … On Sept. 7, the Washington Post ran this headline exculpating Obama:  “In Adviser’s Resignation, Vetting Bites Obama.”  … A far more likely explanation is that the Obama team knew full well what Jones was about and saw no problem.…
Training Kids to Be Obama's Servants
– This four-minute video calls on viewers to pledge "to be a servant to our president" and pledge "to be of service to Barack Obama." … Obama. … The Pre-K to 6 menu tells teachers to "build background knowledge about the president" by reading books about Barack Obama.…
ACORN could open Pandora's box
– desperation, including suits against the intrepid reporters who filmed these tapes, and against Big Government, the new political website … sympathetic media outlets could no longer ignore, bedeviling ACORN’s allies at SEIU and even dragging top advisers to President BarackObama into humiliating legal proceedings.…
Major liberal blogger calls for the resignation of Joe Biden?
Obama may be no drama, but Biden loves drama. And what could more dramatic than resigning the vice presidency on principle? … Huffington's article clearly underscores the growing split between many liberals and President Barack Obama's administration. … sending more troops to Afghanistan.If the Obama White House had not realized how liberals would react if Obama decides to take the…
Consumers Need Protection -- From Government
– The most important product in our country is freedom and, unfortunately, it's this product that President Barack Obama and House Financial … According to the website of the industry trade association, the Community Financial Services Association of America, the industry is…
AP Points to More Discrepencies in Obama Job Numbers
– Press is still not satisfied with the White House's accounting figures of jobs "saved or created" by Obama's stimulus:President Barack … Elizabeth Oxhorn, a spokeswoman for the White House recovery office, said the Obama administration was reviewing the Head Start data … I wonder how long before the White House's "reality check" website accuses the AP of "misleading" reporting again. …
Energy: A Top Priority for Obama, But Not for Voters,_but_not_for_voters
– The White House homepage today highlights the Obama administration's dedication to "lead the global economy in clean energy."  … Obama was elected president last November, only 6% of Americans thought energy should be his top priority.  … With this insight, why is the Obama administration continuing to pursue its cap-and-trade policy as if it were a top priority? …
Big Government Can't Put Young Americans to Work
– And it's a question that young voters in particular may be asking Barack Obama, whom they supported by a 66 percent to 32 percent margin … Obama could find someone as able as Hopkins. … Barack Obama in his autobiographies records how he spurned private-sector work and opted instead for community organizing and political…
Yeah, We Got Ire to Spare,_we_got_ire_to_spare
– The Christian Science Monitor is following the Senate push (thanks to McCain, Obama, and Coburn) to rip the veil away from government … They propose to list all federal spending on oneeasy-to-access website, saying it will be simpler for ordinary citizens to see where … Tom Coburn (R) of Oklahoma, Barack Obama (D) of Illinois, Thomas Carper (D) of Delaware, and John McCain (R) of Arizona - directs the…
Walking in the New Media Minefield: Edwards Goofs Again
– On the other hand, Obama is making it work for him: As of yesterday, a Facebook group founded by Farouk Olu Aregbe and called … " Barack Obama (One Million Strong for Barack)" had garnered 259,647 members. … Some message/image control is inherently lost by campaigns when they venture online anywhere but your own candidate website, but the…
Newt: Obama Missed an Opportunity
Barack Obama would have been wise to stick to his controversial contention that a U.S. president should be willing to meet with hostile … At the time, most analysts (including yours truly) believed Hillary won the argument by accusing Obama of being "naive."   … survey (which will be available tomorrow) seems to argue that Obama was on to something. …
Test Candidate Words with the Sword
Barack Obama is a member of the “Trinity United Church of Christ” in Chicago. … Browsing through that congregation’s website is enlightening, to say the least. … For instance, this proclamation has since been moved or removed, but can still be found in the Internet Archives of their website.…
More on Obama and Babies Born Alive
– Last week, I wrote that Barack Obama, as an Illinois state senator, opposed a bill to define as a "person" a fully born baby … In 2002, Obama voted "no" on the bill. … Barack Obama, voted no. The result is that the bill died in the committee."…
All Kidding Aside, Obama For President?!?!,_obama_for_president!!
– Why is it, I wonder, that nobody is asking Barack Obama about his religious convictions? … For over 20 years, Sen, Obama has been a faithful member of Chicago’s Trinity United Church of Christ. … The other day, I paid a visit to Trinity’s website.…
Women vs. Oprah
Barack Obama may be traced to heavy, unaccustomed post-Iowa abuse of the popular entertainment superstar by women. … Barack Obama by 60,000-member Local 226 of the Culinary Workers in Nevada, announced just after his defeat in the New Hampshire primary … John Kerry announced his support of Obama Thursday, waiting until his friends -- Sens.…
Project President: Barack Obama's Big Mistake
Barack Obama, D-Ill., may have finally blown his chance at the Democratic nomination during Monday night's debate in South Carolina … The crowd oohed and aahed as Obama shook his head angrily. … Obama, by contrast, cannot afford to look mean.…
Obama Calls Out Bill Clinton
Barack Obama blasted former President Bill Clinton for “completely mischaracterizing” his policy positions and called for “some … Clinton has countered Obama’s accusations by posting a rebuttal on her “Fact Hub” website. … Clinton and Obama are expected to discuss Mr. Clinton’s role in the 2008 election.…
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