Results for: clutter

Five Wacky Ways Libs Want to Fight Non-Existent Global Warming
– .   ...Liz Goodwin, Wrap's chief executive, said: "It could be quite liberating and free our homes and garages from all that clutter
ACLU Makes False Attack on New Arizona Law
– Apparently, the intent of this advice is to clutter the station houses with legitimate residents of Arizona, who will all get hauled…
Dissecting a Mexican Cartel Bombing in Monterrey
– This helps our readers cut through the clutter of the reporting from Mexico by focusing on what we find important.…
Midterm Life Report
– I'm still easily overwhelmed by clutter, constantly battling it in the house, never winning, but often frustrated.…
What Cain Showed Us
– What we learned about him, and about ourselves, amid the noise and clutter of a modern presidential campaign, was worthwhile.…
Realistic Expectations: A Gift for the Holidays
– Yes, chores have to be done—and undoubtedly clean clothes are better than dirty ones, and organized toys better than clutter—but women…
THE CITY: Restoring vision to capture it for Christ
– If you ask 100 pastors and 1,000 laypeople what their church's strategy is to reach their city, you would hear much more clutter than…
Seeking Your Parental Wisdom
– with the constant barrage of toxic garbage thrown at our children, it is tougher than ever to navigate them safely through the clutter
Reagan + Friedman + Keynes
– The top individual rate should similarly be lowered, with fewer income brackets to clutter up the tax code.…
Freedom Rings
– "CNN exec Bart Feder is touting the lack of visual clutter, the cleaner 'screen space.'…
Life Gets Better; Politics Get Worse;_politics_get_worse
– Like so much that comes out of Washington these days, it would be clutter.…
Who's Really Downgrading America?
– Following this, he could go to the Republicans and tell them that if they agree to eliminate the clutter in the tax code -- exemptions…
My Rick Perry Problem -- and Ours
– Let's cut through the clutter: A lot of people on the East and West coasts are bigots and snobs about "flyover types."…
Obama Proclaims: Stimulus Forever
– holding hearings on a bill designed to preserve jobs and manufacturing capacity for cement manufacturers impacted by new regulatory clutter
It Is Time to Use the "The Trump Card"
– What the Romney campaign needs is a series of game changing ads that can pierce through the clutter of boring typical GOP ads and get…
Romney Ad: Newborn Infants Now Owe $50,000 Toward National Debt
– I think this ad has a real chance to break through the clutter because it has very different optics than your average political hit…
Crunch Time: Ads Fly in South Carolina
– Rick Santorum is trying to cut through the clutter by warning against blindly walking off the 'establishment' cliff by backing Romney…
The Unsinkable Mitt
– To block the other anti-Romneys and generally clutter up this year's presidential race?…
FIRST-PERSON: How will you be remembered?
– Too much "clutter" can choke the Word, making us unfruitful ("the cares of this world and the deceitfulness of riches" -- Matthew 13 … Writing the story of your life requires careful attention to the end of the story, deliberate "clutter"-cutting, a spirit of stick-to-itiveness…
Enroll America's New Strategy to Sell Obamacare? Singing Pets…e-ads-hope-to-attract-young-women-by-featuring-pets-n1789598
– Filipic says the singing dogs, cats, birds and other animals will “help break through the clutter” and will resonate with the public…
Underwhelmed: Grading the New Tax Reform Plan
– To make sense of this clutter, I wrote a paper for the Heritage Foundation that demonstrated how to grade the various proposals that…
Spring Clean Government
– And the clutter gets worse. Every day, regulators craft more rules. It's always more .…
Federalism Could be the Solution to GOP Branding Problem…alism-could-be-the-solution-to-gop-branding-problem-n1466574
– In principle, Republicans should look at the monumental clutter in Washington like a boat with too much ballast to stay afloat: When…
The Next Big Thing From The Official Who Predicted Communism's Demise…g-from-the-official-who-predicted-communisms-demise-n1478737
– He probably couldn’t name all the members of his cabinet and he saw no reason to clutter up his mind with such detail.…
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