
Progressive County Commissioner Is Sworn In...Using Malcolm X's Autobiography

A narrowly-elected Georgia county commissioner is making waves after being sworn in with her hand on Malcolm X's autobiography and fist in the air.

Mariah Parker, the newly-elected Athens-Clarke County Commissioner, won by a whopping 13 votes. 

“They asked if they would like the Bible and I said no. My mother asked if there was a copy of the Constitution around. No,” Parker told The Atlanta Journal-Constitution. “I wanted Malcolm’s book. I think they saw it coming.”

Parker further explained why she looked up to Malcolm X:

Having seen the transformation of someone who came through a difficult background to become vocal and push conversations on race in a radical way is powerful. Then he shifted course and saw race in a different lens as he got older. And the fact that he was arguably killed for his politics. These are things that I want to embrace.

I was very lucky to break away from some of the generational patterns, by going to college and getting out of the town. But I struggled and I thought people only looked at me as having nothing to offer.

Parker, who pursuing her doctorate in language and literacy education at the University of Georgia, ran on a progressive platform. Specifically, she wants to focus on "reducing poverty and discrimination, affordable housing, fair wage jobs, youth development, criminal justice reform and marijuana reform."