
Liberals Want You To Check Your White Privilege, Heterosexual Privilege...And Now This

The list of “privileges” Americans are being asked to check just got a little bit longer. 

Darius Miner, a student at the University of New Orleans and contributing writer for the Odyssey online, put together a handy guide so we all know just how privileged we really are. At this point, I’m sure you’ve all heard about white privilege, male privilege, educational privilege, heterosexual and cisgender privilege. But Miner introduces us to a new “privilege”: right-hand privilege. 

“I didn't realize for a while that nearly everything is structured for convenient use by right handed people, from school supplies to the structure of houses,” writes Miner. “Check your privilege.”

He then goes on to list all the struggles faced by left-handers; how a pair of regular scissors hurts their hand; how uncomfortable school desks can be; how their hand gets dirty when they write in pencil.

“This may seem petty (especially to the rest of the issues listed) but the world is made for right handed people,” Miner adds. 

Yes, it does seem petty. 

When will liberals realize that every time they manufacture a new privilege, they’re selling this idea that it’s us versus them; men vs. women, whites vs. people of color, straight vs. gay, righties vs. lefties? When will they learn that when they say “check your privilege,” most of us just hear “feel guilty and apologize because of who you are”? Asking someone to check their privilege - whatever “privilege" that may be - is not the way start a conversation about the divide in America or promote understanding and inclusiveness. 

But hey, what do I know? I'm right-handed.