
UK Grocery Store Accused of Racism Over Chocolate Ducks

One grocery store's attempt to create a limited-edition Easter treat has backfired spectacularly, as it prompted a Twitter argument over political correctness and race.

Waitrose, a U.K.-based gourmet groceries chain, released several spring-themed items for Easter this year. One of them included a trio of chocolate ducks, one milk, one white and one dark.

However, in March, one shopper observed that the ducks had been each given little names. The milk chocolate one was named "Crispy," the white chocolate one named "Fluffy" and the dark chocolate one was named... "Ugly."

The observation was apparently shared among other shoppers, prompting Waitrose to make modifications to the packaging. Now, the ducks no longer have names. Aliberti later made a new tweet thanking Waitrose for listening to her and others' complaints.

The references she refers to is the Hans Christian Anderson tale "The Ugly Duckling." Apparently, she wasn't the only one who saw the connection.

However, many others found the racism accusations to be a stretch.

Others said it was just an excuse to cry racism.

Others still said that these claims of racism over chocolate ducks trivializes the real-life experiences of persecuted people.

This is not the first time Waitrose has landed itself in hot water, having been accused of sexist packaging for poultry items. The company issued a public apology in a prepared statement.

"We are very sorry for any upset caused by the name of this product," it read, "it was absolutely not our intention to cause any offence [sic]. We removed the product from sale several weeks ago while we changed the labelling and our ducklings are now back on sale."