Chuck Colson: The Great Encourager

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Chuck Colson represented a rock in a wishy-washy, compromising Christian world. He was immovable when so many of today’s Christian leaders are wobbly—a resolute tower in a landscape littered with deserters from the army of God.

But still, thousands of Christian leaders in America drank deeply from the wellspring of Chuck Colson’s strength. Many of us were the recipients of his generous encouragement and support. He never turned down any of my requests for him to speak at an important meeting or for him to endorse a book. And I know I’m not the only one.

Most people will focus on Chuck’s Prison Fellowship ministry or BreakPoint broadcast ministry—just a few of the countless programs through which God used him. But there is another ministry that many people are not aware of—that of encouragement. There are enormous numbers of pastors and heads of evangelical congregations who owe a debt of gratitude to Chuck Colson’s energetic support.

A few years ago, Chuck called to ask if I would speak to his major supporters during a weekend meeting in Virginia. “I want you to come speak,” he said, “because I want my supporters to know about your ministry and possibly support it.” How about that for a rarity today!

Chuck’s steadfast and unwavering commitment to biblical orthodoxy has straightened the spines of many Christian leaders when compromise would have otherwise been their fate. His tireless stands for life and biblical marriage are well known, as are his efforts to buttress the moral fiber of the nation. But what may not be known are the phone calls, letters, and personal touches he gladly made to help pastors and church leaders.

He happened to make one of those phone calls to me soon after Campus Crusade for Christ founder, Bill Bright, had died. “Bill was a great encourager to me," Chuck said, "and I want to pick up the slack and be an encourager to others.”

You sure did, Chuck. In abundance! That is why you will be missed, my brother.

But it won’t be long until we meet again and rejoice together around the throne of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ.

May those of us who received your encouragement carry on your work and be encouragers to others.

Thank God for you, Chuck Colson.