
The Very White George Stephanopoulos Accuses Byron Donalds of Racism

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Race to the Bottom – ABC NEWS

  • When a white host accuses a black politician of a slur against blacks you know it has gone off the rails.

The press appears really intent on harping on last week’s comment by Donald Trump suggesting that Kamala Harris made an intentional shift in calling herself a black or biracial woman when she had been declared mainly an Indian-American. As we covered on Friday, the Associated Press was among those recognizing Harris as Indian-American, but today pointing this out is racist.

This was certainly the case with George Stephanopoulos as he had on Byron Donalds Sunday and kept harping on the topic with him, clearly becoming agitated that the congressman would not play along with his game. George repeatedly brought the subject back up (while accusing Donalds of being the one to harp on the topic) all while accusing him of using a slur, when Donalds never spoke anything of a slur in nature. All he did was ask how it could be a slur if the AP had been the ones to say that very thing in its reporting.

And people wonder why Trump would not want a debate moderated by this troll of a pundit.

Matching Media Narratives – VARIOUS OUTLETS

  • How you back out of something never agreed upon is probably a Democrat tactic?

The news that Donald Trump had come out to state that he would debate Kamala Harris in a Fox News-hosted debate came out and the press went into its expected spin mode for Harris. They derided Trump for choosing Fox, stating that he was seeking out a biased source. But the real amusement was in the claim that Trump had backed out of an agreed-upon debate with Harris on ABC.

Mediaite, S.E. Cupp, Maggie Haberman, Jonathan Chait, and others had to leap (pounce?) to the conclusion Trump was pulling out of a never-agreed-upon debate with Harris. Of course, Harris' refusing to the Fox debate does not make her afraid, that criticism is only reserved for Trump.

Low-Octane Gaslighting – MSNBC

  • Well, if they do not listen maybe they won’t notice

MSNBC was caught posting a completely fraudulent video to social media accounts. It is a short clip of Joe Rogan, and the headline caption claims he is raving about Kamala Harris.

The multiple edits should be the first clue of problems, but who among the network’s interns thought this was a clever ruse?! For one, Kamala Harris was not in Congress for eight years. Then, obviously, there is the small matter of her serving in Iraq on two missions?

This is all due to the fact that Rogan was in fact endorsing Tulsi Gabbard in his comments. Since then the account deleted and reposted the clip without the military reference, then when called out further for lying they ended up striking the clip entirely.

Blue-Anon – POLITICO

  • You know who else had his life threatened? HITLER!

There just is not much more that can be said of this level of fever-dream theorizing being allowed to make it into publication. See, Trump is a real danger, because he might weaponize the act of nearly getting killed.


  • Well, admitting it was manufactured is the first step.

On “Face The Nation,” there was a panel discussion about the campaign and how the two candidates are currently faring in the public eye. CBS White House Correspondent Weijia Jiang discusses one of the current narratives, and it would appear that she is not entirely sure of the admission she makes:

Especially because all you have to look at is what we've been talking about with regard to the Republican ticket since Vance was named, which is his comments from a few years ago about single cat ladies, which is how weird he is. So it’s taking away from Trump and that is an impact in and of itself.  

The slipup that Jiang commits here is that she does not quote others or even suggest that the “weird” narrative is what many are discussing. She says it is something “we’ve been talking about.” Then she goes on to state plainly that the entire intent is to use this to negatively impact Trump. 

Quite the admission.