
The Biden White House Can't Cover Up the President's Senility

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Does the Biden White House think this talking point is going to work? If this is the best it can do, its staffers are idiots, the strategists are failures, and it insults every voter in the country. Joe Biden can’t go out in public without looking mentally lost. The G7 Summit in Italy exposed that to the European press. So, if the White House thinks that every clip of Biden looking and acting his age is a deep fake, then everyone needs to be drug tested. 

“Don’t believe your lying eyes” isn’t a campaign strategy, yet it’s one this administration finds fitting to spin all of the president’s senior moments. The talking points have been handed down to the media, who have been hammering this “cheap fake” line for days. 

Not that I’m one to make Democrats more comfortable, but even the most ardent party loyalist knows there’s no spin to be had here. One only has to read the body language of Barack Obama at a Los Angeles fundraiser to point out the obvious: Biden is too old to do the job. Eighty-six percent of Americans agree with that sentiment. That’s not an outlier—that’s a consensus. You cannot scale that wall. There’s no time. 

Biden staffers can’t reverse that trend either. This isn’t “The Curious Case of Benjamin Button.” The debate about what to do about it could have happened years ago, but Democrats are stuck. Liberals, blinded by arrogance, either thought they could cruise to reelection because Donald Trump was supposedly the most beatable of potential Republican candidates, or they know no one can replace Biden because the Democratic Party bench is thin. 

Right now, Trump is heading for a historic performance among black voters, with CNN showing the former president breaking 20 percent with this demographic, largely because black Democrats under 50 have fled Biden. The president has a voter base that’s fractured, a foreign policy that’s angering Muslim communities in Michigan (a must-win state), and a domestic agenda that’s suffocated America’s working families. Focusing on what cannot be saved politically highlights another flaw plaguing this White House: zero crisis management skills. If it’s not that, it’s the incessant lying, the latest being these video clips showing Biden’s mental decline are deceptively edited.