
These Dems Were Too Busy Coddling Terrorists to Know What Memorial Day Means

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Yesterday was Memorial Day. It’s the long weekend where everyone goes to the shore, enjoys grilling, and is seen as the unofficial start of summer. It’s also where millions subject themselves to torturous traffic. It’s also a day when we remember the many members of our military who gave the ultimate sacrifice so we can enjoy our days at the beach every year in peace and safety. Those who gave their lives in the Korean War I hold in special regard: I wouldn’t be here if it weren’t for them. And tens of millions of South Koreans would be suffering under the yoke of Kim Jong Un right now. 

Yet, Reps. Ilhan Omar (D-MI) and Cori Bush (D-MO) were too busy coddling terrorists to understand the meaning of yesterday. At least their respective staffs didn’t know what yesterday meant, posting inaccurate tweets about Memorial Day. They weren’t offensive, but come on now: 

The pair have been vocal about their pro-Hamas tendencies, calling for ceasefires that benefit the terror group. Being members of the far-left, it’s not shocking that their anti-Israel antics veer toward antisemitism. 

It showcases how these two and their “Squad” allies are abjectly terrible members of Congress who have done more and placed more emphasis on groups whose values and interests do not align with the United States. 

What’s worse is that the supporters of these two women are the same folks who would shut down a bridge, road, highway, or airport to voice their support for Palestinian terrorists. And yes, during a Memorial Day parade, they blocked the route: 

Nothing says killing your cause than disrupting this parade honoring America’s fallen heroes, but it’s all about the feelings and knowing that they were on the right arc of history—at least, that’s their interpretation

Yes, those who served and died were also defending these clowns’ right to be horrible. We have the right to call them out, and we will.