The ‘Trump Never Conceded’ Lie

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Democrats just can’t tell the truth about anything. When reality does you no favors, that should tell you something, shouldn’t it? 

To Democrats, it does not. They are, after all, the people who created the concept of “my truth,” and other such hippie nonsense people use to justify their mistakes and selfish actions. So, it makes sense that so much of what they insist on, and push regularly against former President Donald Trump would fit neatly into that package.

If Donald Trump were even half of the monster they make him out to be they wouldn’t have to lie about him at all, let alone as much as they do. They could simply say, “Here’s exactly what he said or did” and that would be enough. It’s not enough, it’s never enough, because the truth about what Donald Trump said or did is never what the left portrays it to be.

A fine example of this occurred over the weekend on Meet the Press. If you thought the show was a left-wing suck machine under Chuck Todd, new host Kristen Welker is determined to be the belle of the ball at the NBC News Christmas party. Actually, “holiday” party, they wouldn’t have a divisive Christmas party. 

Welker, fresh off launching the first attack in the battle to keep Ronna McDaniel and her dissenting opinions off the network, is still frenzied about it. In what was supposed to be an interview with Florida Senator Marco Rubio, she badgered him over damn near everything. 

Not only have I never seen Welker “interview” a Democrat this aggressively – like he’d killed her dog or stolen her wallet – I’ve never seen a Democrat treated anything close to this way since Tim Russert, when he treated everyone that way. (Which is how it should be done, by the way.)

In Welker’s defense of Democrats she mentions – insists, really – that “Donald Trump never conceded the 2020 election.” Not only is this not true, it’s unclear how this would matter were it to be true.

Did Donald Trump deliver a speech declaring he’d lost the 2020 election? Nope. Does that have any bearing on anything related to the transition of power? Nope, not at all. He left the White House and did so voluntarily. There was no attempt to stay, there was only a fight to challenge the unlawful actions of Democrats. When those options were exhausted, he left. 

This reality is always dismissed by the left because it’s inconvenient. Most of reality is treated the same way for the same reason. 

Does a concession speech really matter? Of course not. Stacey Abrams never conceded the governor’s race in Georgia in 2018, she spent 4 years lying that she’d won and was a victim of racism. Never once was she called out for it by these people on cable news, interviewers and politicians all said she was robbed until she had her rear-end handed to her in the rematch. 

There is no “I lost” form candidates have to fill out to make the loss “official.” That’s not how politics works.

Yet, leftists in the media insist this is somehow a “threat to democracy.” At most, it’s a “threat to decorum,” but who cares? Decorum was torpedoed by Democrats calling everyone they dislike a Nazi and comparing Trump to Hitler. Decorum was destroyed by their collective efforts to declare the Russia hoax to be real and “report it” as such. Decorum was wiped out like cocaine at a Biden family reunion when Joe Biden lies repeatedly and is only occasionally fact checked, and never in real time by the person interviewing him.

Kristen Welker is the “new” host of Meet the Press, but the press you meet if you watch it is still the same garbage media you can’t help but smile over when you hear of an outlet going out of business. She still has that “new host smell,” unfortunately for her it’s a cross between skunk and whatever Bill Clinton ground into the upholstery on the couch after the party her threw while Hillary was out of town. In other words, it’s disgusting – just as disgusting and biased as it has ever been. I wonder if Kristen would concede that? Somehow, I doubt it. 

Derek Hunter is the host of a free daily podcast (subscribe!) and author of the book, Outrage, INC., which exposes how liberals use fear and hatred to manipulate the masses, and host of the weekly “Week in F*cking Review” podcast where the news is spoken about the way it deserves to be. Follow him on Twitter at @DerekAHunter.