
Democrats Have a Real Anti-Semitism Problem

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Editor's Note: Watch the latest episode of Kurt Schlichter's "Stream of Kurtiousness" below! ---> Join Townhall VIP to get exclusive access to Kurt's weekly VIP columnVIP podcast, and, of course, the Stream of Kurtiousness video series! All uncensored! Use promo code ISRAEL to get 50% off your membership.

Hi, everybody! Kurt Schlichter here for the "Stream of Kurtiousness," the Townhall VIP thing where I talk to you for about 10 minutes about whatever is on my mind. What is on my mind today? Well, it's this anti-Semitism thing, and there's a whole lot of it, and it's all from the Democrats. However, there are some on the right who are kind of flirting with it, and they should be mocked, belittled, and treated like the human garbage that they are. But the Democrats have a real problem because anti-Semitism is now becoming a key component of the Democrat constituency. And you can see that because Joe Biden, our alleged president, has assigned Kamala Harris, because it shows he's taking this seriously, to run a new commission to address the major problem facing America today... Islamophobia.