
MSNBC’s Biden Ruhles

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Legalized Press-titution – MSNBC

  • This is what it takes to get an interview with President Biden.

The man who barely grants press time finally had a sit-down interview, and it was about as shameless as it could get. President Jose Biden sat with Stephanie Ruhle and she delivered mostly whiffle ball questions, waxing rhapsodic about the economy, asking why he was not more popular despite his grand accomplishments, and even suggesting the Republicans were looking to undermine him with the debt ceiling debate (despite the GOP passing a bill to avoid a debt crisis.)

After glossing over Hunter Biden's issues by allowing him to deflect as if it were no problem, a revealing moment was seen. In the course of asking a question, there was an interruption by a staffer, clearly stepping in to manage an answer. This is both a sign of how much Biden is handled, and how much the press plays along with this behavior.

Race to the Bottom – WASHINGTON POST

WaPo was leading the charge following the shooting at a Texas mall, detailing that they were unsure of the veracity of a video from the scene, and contemplating which type of guns might have been used.

BUT, they sure were feeling positive about the white supremacist angle to the shooting, enough to include that in the headline and everything! Except we then learned the shooter was Hispanic. (Wait, they were not Latin-X???) We also see that there was no racial component cited regarding the victims, some of which were white. (Those white supremacists, always targeting…er, the whites…??)

One thing to note in this, the desire to rush out with this white supremacist angle differs greatly from the Christian school shooting in Tennessee, where the press, upon learning of the shooter being trans, called for restraint and asked people not to judge others. Today though, Nazis, conservatives, Republicans not pushing gun control, and anyone who is politically convenient are free to be blamed for this shooting.

Low Octane Gas Lighting – MSNBC

  • What is looks like when you make sure your “expert” is promoting your pre-written agenda.

Senior Produxer Shawn Reynolds at MSNBC offered up this clip immediately following the Texas shooting, and it says everything about the diligence of his network’s fact-checking, the quality of “experts” they seek out, and the overall agenda they push on a regular basis.

M4s are not available for domestic purchase, so those guns are not “on the street”. AR-15s are not automatic rifles, either. But this is a supposed authoritative voice brought on the air to educate us about guns. Uh huh.

Nothing better sums up the laughable state of things at this network.

First Amendment Strike Force – WHITE HOUSE PRESS OFFICE

It is rather notable how silent the press complex gets when Democrats act with hostility towards journalists. The latest sees the White House blocking the New York Post from a White House press event, seemingly a direct response to the Hunter Biden investigation that is widening.

We seem to recall this kind of action was a danger: Something-something, an attack on the free press. Something-something, “a threat to our democray.”

We also seem to recall President Biden at the Correspondents Dinner last weekend raving about the importance of a free press, and WHCA President Tamara Keith discussing the press going back on Monday to holding our leaders accountable. But now, any outlet doing so gets frozen out by the most transparent administration ever.


  • Okay Jake, let’s dial back the party platform speech just a little, shall we?

On Sunday’s edition of State Of The Union host Jake Tapper was a bit contentious with a politician, but do not get too impressed. He was not holding a politician accountable; Tapper was leaning on Democrat Dick Durbin for – not being Democrat-leaning enough for Jake’s tastes.

In a discussion about the plight of Diane Feinstein’s health, Tapper was extremely pro-push-her-out-the-door, and after Durbin expressed restraint towards a colleague and good friend of his Jake leaned into the senator:

I mean, all due respect, sir, you and your fellow Democrats were very ginger and very polite when it came to Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg in not pushing her to retire when you had a Democratic majority in the Senate. How did that work out for you? How did that work out for Roe v. Wade?

Pulitzer Prize Nomination – AXIOS

  • For all of your needed information about President Biden’s dietary struggles!

Alex Thompson proudly delivers for us the playful, yet serious tug-of-war taking place in the White House kitchen concerning the President’s dietary intake:

There's a delicious (surf and) turf battle inside the Biden White House — over the president's plate. The food fight has pitted Joe Biden — who prefers carbs over greens — against First Lady Jill Biden, who has been pushing the commander-in-chief to eat more fish and veggies whether he likes them or not (he doesn't).

We learned plenty about the presidential preferences, and on a recent outing President Jose Biden got closer to his Puerto Rican roots:

On Friday while visiting D.C.'s Taqueria Habanero, Biden ordered churros and a chicken quesadilla.