
I Don’t Want ‘A Better Tomorrow,’ I Want Victory

The opinions expressed by columnists are their own and do not necessarily represent the views of Townhall.com.

Wow, what a fun week. We had Nikki Haley come out and announce her 2024 presidential campaign – and I hope you read my Townhall column on Thursday, which was cruel and unusual (well, not "unusual" for me) because she is terrible. She's the cutting edge of 2005. A failed throwback to the time of declined management and absolute subservience on the part of conservatives. She is everything wrong with the party. She's full of hack clichés like, "Let's bring America together for a brighter tomorrow! And for a brighter tomorrow, let's bring America together!" It's horrifying. Who likes this? There's nothing I hate more than someone who is not based. Someone who doesn't want to fight. I like to fight. I am a lawyer. And you like to fight, too, because you wouldn't be listening to me if you didn't like conflict. If you wanted a "brighter tomorrow," you would not be listening to the "Stream of Kurtiousness." You'd be listening to the "Stream of Suckishness."