
Network Vacancies Arrive as Journos Fret Over Twitter Firings

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"Riffed from the Headlines" is Townhall's daily VIP feature with coverage of the deeply flawed aspects of journalism in the nation. We'll look to bring accountability to the mishaps, malaprops, misdeeds, manipulations, malpractice, and manufactured narratives in mainstream media.


Reporting on the Mirror (Pt. 1) – CNN

  • And on top of that, the Phillies are trailing in the World Series!

The management at CNN has been slow-rolling the promised changes and purges concerning the network talent, but now we see there also might be something of a short leash with those who remain. Recently, Jake Tapper was given the timeslot at 9 pm ET, formerly occupied by the deposed Chris Cuomo. Jake was said to be establishing a primetime presence and was going to be the figurehead during the midterm election coverage.

More recent news, however, is that he has now been yanked from the nighttime seat and sent back to his afternoon show.

Reporting on the Mirror (Pt.2) – CNBC

  • Speaking of the Unwatchables…

Two years ago, Shepard Smith had something of a boisterous exit from Fox News and landed at CNBC, settling in with an early evening news program and a $10 million annual salary. Over that time, his viewers fell from a paltry number of around 325,000 to an anemic amount below 200,000. 

Reporting on the Mirror (Pt. 3) – MSNBC

  • Wait, but Joy Reid survives…?

In more dire broadcast news, in a bit of a surprise move at MSNBC, they announced that weekend hostess Tiffany Cross had been removed from the airwaves. Not to suggest this was not warranted, given that she has been a veritable hot mess on the air and has come up against network referrals consistently, but for her to come under the axe blade while the far more consistently offensive Joy Reid remains on the air five nights a week is a touch perplexing.


  • Consider how bad the options must have been for them to air this segment.

For reasons that defy logic, decency, morality, and our tax dollars, NPR ran a news segment that featured a reporter providing live audio from inside a clinic's room as a woman was undergoing an abortion procedure, with all the accompanying sound effects.

Nothing more about this really needs to be said.

Matching Media Memorandum – REUTERS

With all of the media deeply upset that a private company has changed ownership, Reuters had to join in on the overwrought focus on the company. With an inside report from Twitter headquarters, we learned some grievous things are transpiring. For instance, employees there had been able to enjoy arbitrary time off called "days of rest" – and now those are no longer on the calendar!

The outlet also detailed the plight of one manager who spent the night in her office.

- "One manager tweeted a photo of herself sleeping on the floor of the office in a silver sleeping bag."

Why? Well, that detail was not so important; just know it was a bad sign. Of something.

Glossary Over Things – WALL STREET JOURNAL

Considering the revelation behind why John Fetterman has a preference for wearing hoodies all the time, maybe the use of the word "neck" in the headline here was a bit of a touchy decision?


  • "You know that lying opposition ad from your opponent? I want to bring that up now in front of everyone in the form of a legitimate question."

The Democrats are getting desperate, as shown in a recent campaign ad run by the party in Arizona. In it, Gladys Sicknick, the mother of Capitol Police Officer Brian Sicknick, states to the camera that Kari Lake was responsible for the death of her son on January 6. 

With all deference to a distraught mother, this is a crass move by Democrats, using her grief to sell a fake message. Officer Sicknick did not die on January 6, and he passed away well after the riot from natural causes. So unless Kari Lake has in any way an ability to provoke a stroke – as a medical examiner stated was what led to Sicknick's passing – she is not in any way culpable of what is alleged.

Watch here as Lake deftly handles a network reporter who wants to smear her with the accusation from this ad, responding with tact and then dispelling the accusation calmly with facts. 

Your Weekend Bonus Levity

Just as a relief from the inundation of political ads we are enduring in these final days of the election, here is a collection of some of the more bizarre and off-kilter political commercials from the past election cycle.