The Falling Down—Off Your Stopped Bike—Presidency

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Each Presidency in the modern era has its moment. That specific point in time when history and the future smacking into each other throw a bolt of lightening through time and space and define the man.

For *President Biden it knocked him on his keaster!

The symbolism couldn’t be more parallel.

Starting with the occasion on which it happened. Having already surpassed his 500th day in office earlier in June, Biden has taken more than 37% of his entire Presidency — on vacation. Nevertheless here he was again for the weekend — hustled away from reporters by the First Lady (presumably because he was yapping about things he shouldn’t) and then riding his bike out on yet one more “getaway weekend.”

The British newspaper The Daily Mail projects that at the rate he is taking the time off, if he were to serve to full terms, he will have taken off more than 1100 days. That’s more than three years of time off in an eight year length of service. 

Then again — that’s exactly how it feels — no? From gasoline to baby formula, from tampons to hot sauce, Americans don’t have what we need and at 1600 Pennsylvania Ave no one’s home. And worse no one seems to care.

But beyond the occasion there’s the symbolism of the fall itself. Like so much of Biden’s projection it’s always the faux wrapped up to look like something else.

  • He’s a “fit biker” at 79. He just has trouble with gravity.

  • He’s a “committed father,” who’s turned his only remaining son into a hustle mule.

  • He’s a “seasoned public servant,” who’s never worked a private sector job a day in his life.

  • He’s “Lunchbucket Joe,” who’s never worked with his hands.

  • He’s a “gun owner,” who tells his wife to shoot the sky and not the intruder.

  • He’s a foreign policy “expert,” who’s been wrong on every policy matter for forty plus years.

  • He’s the most popular “candidate” in the history of politics, who couldn’t fill eight seats in a school gym.

  • He’s “the President,” even though he constantly call’s Kamala Harris that, takes his orders from Obama, and got throttled by the incumbent.

So he’s lazy, and a fraud… but wait…

So because he can’t not help himself when he sees press gathered (and because his wife took a turn,) *President Biden rides right up to the press. The press that have up until very recently given him a fawning 99.97% favorable coverage on everything. However, that’s not the case for long. When CNN starts labeling you “awful,” and MSNBC has your approvals at levels of disapproval as worse than Jimmy Carter, it’s time for a reality check.

Then… he comes to a complete and full stop.

Just like he brought our economy!

We were energy independent. Gas was inexpensive. Russia was poor. Nations were our customers for our energy production. 

Once “elected” he turns off our spigots, and opens Russia’s. The speculation of what that means freezes American energy production, and makes Putin fast wealthy. 

Now every single good and service Americans need costs increasingly more money. Meanwhile Putin gets so wealthy he launches a war against a sovereign neighbor.

Now we are in a recession even though we never needed to be. We could even get out of one tomorrow. Deregulate small business, and turn the lights back on. 

Nope. He’s all good at a complete stop.

Until that tricky thing called gravity kicks in. (Well that combined with his own inability to get his own foot off his own bike pedal.)

Never in the course of American history has one administration had two such complete incompetents as our President and VP. Mistakenly saying truthful things they didn’t want the world to know, compared to the completely dishonest statements that are their attempt to paint narratives that no one believes. Gaffe after gaffe —self inflicted. 

The self “tripping” combined with the true gravity of the horrific policies are dragging us all down off the bike with him.

Enjoy the memes, Trump impersonation spoofs, and parodies of this barely able to walk disaster of a *president, in his most disastrous moment falling on his tush. There have been and will be many to come.

But never forget, it truly was the most illustrious defining moment in the life of a *presidency that never should have been—and almost hasn’t.

Since he’s been on vacation 37% of his days in office.