Who Are the Afghan Refugees Biden Has Allowed Into America?

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America started a war in Afghanistan 20 years ago to rid the country of terrorists who plotted 9/11, and to rout the ruling Taliban who harbored them. Today, as Joe Biden surrenders control of Afghanistan back to the Taliban, with a disastrously executed withdrawal, we must ask Biden the tough questions based in America First ideology. As cities like Cleveland process thousands of applicants for Special Immigration Visas, who, exactly, is Biden importing into the heart of America? Valued allies who helped U.S. forces, or terrorists, criminals, and child rapists?

Here is what we know: White House Press Secretary Jen Psaki’s claim that every Afghan evacuated has been thoroughly vetted is a farce.  A vetting process that involves Marines bravely hoisting Afghans to safety over an airport fence doesn’t inspire confidence that the Biden administration vetted anyone, let alone everyone that secured a spot on the crowded planes fleeing Kabul. In fact, reports indicate that more than 57,000 of the Afghans evacuated are not U.S. citizens, green card holders or SIV applicants.

Americans deserve to know who these people are.  Are hardened America-hating Taliban fighters part of the inflow into places like Toledo, Detroit and Milwaukee?  Based on multiple reports, Biden has allowed into America adult men married to child brides. Is Biden facilitating child sex trafficking on American soil?  Is Biden looking the other way as statutory rape is committed on American soil?  These are not fun questions to ask or discuss, but they must be answered and addressed in order to put Americans First.

In recent decades, we have seen examples of what happens when refugees from very different, often Muslim cultures, are accepted into America. Certain communities want to enforce Sharia Law on American soil.  This is the same Sharia Law that calls for women to have their fingers chopped off if they wear nail polish in public.  This is the same Sharia Law that calls for women to be beaten if they are found laughing in public.  The exploitation of girls and women is brought with these “refugees" into our country.  How will our nation absorb not only the Afghans allowed entry, but those practices that violate our laws and foundational American values?

If Biden thinks it is such a good idea to bring tens of thousands of Afghans to America, why is he not housing them on federal soil in Washington, D.C., as close as possible to the White House and Capitol?  The answer is simple — for Biden, Schumer and Pelosi this is done with a wink and a nod: they see future Democratic voters in their midst, just as they do when illegals cross our southern border and are released into the heartland.  Consequently, Biden is sending unvetted Afghans married to child brides to places like Ohio, Michigan and Wisconsin.

As a Marine who served two tours in Anbar Province, Iraq, and who grieves for the many lives lost on Afghan soil, I believe we are entitled to explanations.  What is the plan for those evacuated?  How will they be vetted?  And how will we remove individuals who pose a threat to our nation?  In summary, how will we protect America and put Americans First?

We are a nation of laws, founded on a bedrock of Judeo-Christian values.  The debacle in Afghanistan should not lead to a mass migration of Afghans who are not qualified to live here, let alone those who are trampling our laws and our value of fighting for Good over Evil.  We deserve answers, and in the meantime, Biden deserves impeachment.