Teen Vogue Promotes Abortion - Behind the Backs of Parents - on Snapchat

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Liberal media are at it again, indoctrinating our kids and society in a way that seems cool and fun. On Saturday, August 10, social media giant Snapchat had a featured “Discover” story from Teen Vogue titled “How to Get an Abortion if You’re a Teen.” The featured story then went on to explain how there were legal ways to get an abortion behind the backs of parents, even if “you’re under 18.” This propaganda was promoted for teens and impressionable young girls of all ages to see. According to a Pew research poll, in 2018 69 percent of American teens say that they use Snapchat on a regular basis

That means a majority of our teenage population, with still forming pre-frontal cortexes, saw that message from Teen Vogue, promoted on Snapchat over the weekend. 

One of the pages reads, “Having access to an abortion should be your right, regardless of your parents’ beliefs.” So, even though 37 of the 50 states require “parental involvement in a minor’s decision to have an abortion,” Teen Vogue is showing the young people loopholes, ways to get around the laws. The magazine, through Snapchat, is giving teens the message that it’s okay to get pregnant and “deal with it” without involving parents. It is advising minors to undergo a “medical procedure” and end the life of their unborn child without parental involvement. 

In some states, minors cannot even buy certain cough medicines. In most states they need parental consent to get a tattoo or piercing. These are not life and death issues as abortion literally is. Why is it acceptable for them to obtain life-changing abortions without seeking guidance and counsel from those legally responsible for their well-being?

The end of the story then linked to a column written by Teen Vogue author Nona Willis Aronowitz, “How to get an Abortion if You’re a Teen,” where she relates her story of being 15 years old and desperately trying to obtain Plan B. The column, which was originally published in June, was in response to a 16-year-old writing in and asking what she should do to get an abortion because her parents are pro-life. “Accidents do happen, even to the best of us,” Aronowitz replies, telling the girl not to be “ashamed.” She then responds to the question about obtaining an abortion behind the girl’s parents’ back with statements such as, “If you live in one of the handful of states in which a minor can get an abortion without parental involvement — and if you don’t want to tell your parents — you’re all set…If the law does require that your parents are involved, it’s time for some soul-searching about how you think they’ll react when confronted directly with their pregnant child’s desire to not be.” 

If the pregnant minor feels that she needs an abortion without parental consent, Aronowiz advises that she begin a judicial bypass procedure where the courts would usurp parental rights and give the minor permission to have an abortion without parental consent or notification.

Not only does the article and Snapchat story tell girls that it’s fine to make that life-altering decision without consulting their parents, it fails to outline what risks young girls could be taking by having an abortion or how it could impact the rest of their life. One such impact is low-birth-weight and premature birth of future babies after an induced abortion. In 2018, 49 different studies “demonstrated a statistically significant increase in premature birth and low-birth-weight risk in women who had prior induced abortions.” The American Pregnancy Association lists other risks to be aware of such as sepsis, cervix damage, death, uterine perforation, uterus scarring (which can lead to infertility), infection, organ damage and heavy bleeding. Women have literally died following abortions, and you would think in advising teens to get a surgery, the risks would be important to discuss. 

Also missing from the “advice” was the fact that there are all kinds of programs and people out there ready and willing to help young moms. For example, Students for Life of America has a Pregnant on Campus program to help teens be successful at school and at home. 

So, Teen Vogue, “you are all set” if there aren’t laws prohibiting minors from obtaining abortions without parental consent? Because I’m pretty sure that you’ll find many parents disagree. And I doubt that you will want to be responsible for girls making quick decisions and ending up injured or worse as the result of your fun little abortion promo. 

Frankly, I am disgusted at the obvious exploitation of the young, female Snapchat users. Teen Vogue is using Snapchat to attempt to make abortion cool and not involving parents acceptable. Be warned: social media isn’t always as innocent as it may seem. 

Hayley Tschetter, a junior at the University of Northwestern - St. Paul, is obtaining a double major in Communication and Politics and also is the vice-president of Northwestern Students for Life. She loves to research and write and is the host of her own podcast, Freedom Fighters.