America Is Occupied By A Hostile Commie Press

The opinions expressed by columnists are their own and do not necessarily represent the views of Townhall.com.

Please enjoy these facebook jabs. My liberal friends sure didn’t.

Hey wait…remember the “Shut Down” last fall? Was there a single national story about how this admin went out of its way and spent money to cordon off parking lots, scenic byways, open air monuments, and private concessions in order to maximize the inconvenience to Americans?

It had nothing to do with not spending money. The bad guys in charge actually spent money to punish and maximize Americans’ pain. But none of our national Big Hairs or Big Pens thought this was a story worth telling: sensational, yes; but, it would hurt their guy.

America is occupied by a hostile commie press. Dislodging it will take some doing.

Global poetry: After bootin' Putin, Eight became Seven.

We all agree that druggies shouldn't free ride on tax payers. But do you really want a government that checks everyone's pee?

Next will be grant recipients. Then contractors. Then employees. Come on liberty folk. Better to let drug users get general public benefits than to expand government's monitoring of *anyone*. Whatever it is, you're next on the list.

Every Hollywood vehicle that suggests America is evil bombs at the box office. Every movie that finds the good in our society is profitable.

Hey, you stupid, bitter clingers! It's time you learn from your Hollywood betters! You have to buy tickets to the art that condemns your bourgeois beliefs or you're just stupid.

When liberals realize that the rich and connected use government to shaft working Americans, and less government would make us all richer and freer, that's when the real revolution begins.

Re: Hobby Lobby. The Left's latest card is that religion freaks are suddenly pushing for a new and dangerous exemption from ordinary laws. Nope. Government is just getting so darn pushy that now its demands interfere with the free exercise of religion.

(By the way, the mandate isn't even in Obamacare. It's just something Barry and Queen Seeb made up to energize their base, poke Catholics in the eye, and fuel the narrative for an outrageously dishonest "War on Women!" )

Anyway, the real question is, why does America's King of Joblessness think it makes sense to define and mandate benefit packages? Was the world so uncivilized before 2012 that now, the next necessary step forward is trampling the conscience choices of a tiny handful of religious employers who, ya know, create thousands of jobs and stuff?

I love being kneaded and massaged by cat forepaws. But this stupid kitten cat extends her weaponized claws, so it feels more like clumsy acupuncture.

Liberals' First Amendment: "Congress shall make no law restricting whatever nonsense those superstitious believers want to spout from the pulpit. But once they step outside the chapel, mosque, or synagogue doors, then Government owns every breath or move they make."

*slow drum beat*

My man Obama be as lawless as he wannabe
'Cuz our Big Media don' wanna see
All the *bleep* he pulls on you an me
He's The First; just let it be

RIP America, sea to shining sea.

It's my human right to make my employer subsidize things I want to buy.

If my employer resists my demands to buy me what I want, that selfish jerk is blocking my access to good things, and waging a war on Shawns.

Global poetry: After bootin' Putin, Eight became Seven.

Thinking Scott Walker might be the guy. Good talk is important, but easy. Walker has moved the ball against vicious, lawless opposition, and emerged more popular than before--in a deep blue state.

That ain't nothing.

Hey, Warmalarmists, if science is having to rethink at this late date the effect of salt and fat on the human body, how on earth (heh...no pun intended) can science be so cocksure of the model-projected effect of carbon on the earth's atmosphere and temperatures?

I bet pretty close to 97% of MDs bought in to the "settled science" on salt and fat, too, right? But hey, lets knee-cap our economy and liberty. The science is settled.

Media to Republicans: "Hey, digging into Hillary Clinton's 40 years of public life, from her firing from the Watergate Investigation for unethical behavior, to her sweetheart market deals, to her threatening and bullying Bill's bimbos, to Hilarycare, to her utter lack of any accomplishment as Secretary of State (But, but...she flew more miles than any prior!!!!) to her mendacious role in Obama's Benghazi coverup....

"Yeah, all that nonsense is just a lot of desperate, sexist ancient history!"

"It was much more vital for us to report on Mitt Romney's high school haircuts, dog transport eccentricities, and brutal private equity deals. And his verbal miscues! Do you remember "Binders full of women?! Now that, yes, *that* was news!"

Hey, you shameless shills, why was “jobless recovery” a common media phrase under Reagan and Bush, but unspeakable under America’s King of Joblessness?

Obamacare is the ultimate Rorschach blot. Peoples' reaction to it accurately marks their civic sanity.

It is upheaving lives. Undermining people's health security. Raising rates for virtually all. Creating awful uncertainty in the insurance markets. Running up government's over-extended credit card. Bringing in very few of the uninsured--its stated purpose.

A rational reaction would be to recoil and reject. An irrational reaction is to defend to the bitter end, because it feels good: talking about collective well-being and helping each other is more important than the devastation that actually results. If you disagree, you're selfish and racist.

It's Long Bill--or budget time
--at the Colorado legislature. It's one of the most intensively lobbied stretches of the session. Everyone fights like roller derby queens for their piece of the pie. But a marijuana lobbyist just posted that he was heading off to happy hour, because:

"When the industry you represent doesn't have miscellaneous corporate welfare as part of its business model, budget season is pretty slow."

Drugs aside, ponder the significance of that.

Hey, Warmalarmists, if science is having to rethink at this late date the effect of salt and fat on the human body, how on earth (heh...no pun intended) can science be so cocksure of the model-projected effect of carbon on the earth's atmosphere and temperatures?

I bet pretty close to 97% of MDs bought in to the "settled science" on salt and fat, too, right? But hey, lets knee-cap our economy and liberty. The science is settled.
One of the Founders' quaint ideas was Federalism, where most of daily government happens at the state or local level, and the national government focuses on a few critical, necessarily national functions.

One of the Founders' quaint ideas was Federalism, where most of daily government happens at the state or local level, and the national government focuses on a few critical, necessarily national functions.

Imagine how much less bitter our politics might be if the whole nation didn't have to make peace with every whim, cadence, or accent of a George Bush or a Barack Obama.

Government closer to the people. Think about it.Any minute now, Harry "Gollum" Reid is going to march to the Senate microphone and accuse the Koch brothers of hijacking the Malaysian airliner.