Che Guevara SI!—Tea-Party NO!

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“Mexicans are a rabble of illiterate Indians.” (Ernesto “Che” Guevara, May 1956)

Singer-actress Maria Conchita Alonso, a multiple Grammy nominee, was scheduled to star in a Spanish-language production of The Vagina Monologues next month in San Francisco’s Brava Theatre. Then she starred in a video ad for California Assemblyman and gubernatorial hopeful Tom Donnelly, a Tea-Party Republican who calls for enforcement of U.S. immigration laws.

Only the torches and pitchforks were missing from the outraged mobs of San Francisco’s “Latinos” who (verbally) set upon Ms Alonso during a subsequent radio show. The woman could hardly get a word in edgewise. Callers insulted her relentlessly. “I’ve been called all these horrible names, like you can’t believe.” Alonso told Megyn Kelly. “They were saying they were going to burn down the theater, they were going to boycott (the show.)”

The hipster area’s “Latino” politico-cultural establishment joined the chorus, if slightly more decorously.

"We don't act like that,” snapped Jim Salinas, former president of the San Francisco Latino Democratic Club. “First of all, that is not a typical Latina."

“We really can’t have her in the (Brava theatre production of The Vagina Monologues) show, unfortunately,” said the show’s producer Eliana Lopez, who also happens to be wife of San Francisco Sheriff Mirkarimi. “Of course she has the right to say whatever she wants. But we’re in the middle of the (heavily Hispanic) Mission. Doing what she is doing is against what we believe.”

So Alonso “resigned” from the show. Naturally Alonso and Donnelly were denounced as “racists!” Naturally no amount of proof otherwise stemmed the torrent of insults. "If I am a racist, I'm not a very good one," Donnelly clarified on CNN en Español. "I must have gone to the wrong school where you learn how to be a racist because I married a woman with dark skin. As a matter of fact, her skin's darker than Maria Cochiti’s."

"Tim is married to a Filipina,” Alonso explained. “His daughter-in-law is Mexican. He is not a racist and neither am I, as we are now being accused." “He (Donnelly) is anti-undocumented immigrant,” she explained to Fox News Latino. “It’s different than being anti-immigrant, which he is not. We have a right to protect our borders. Tim knows there are many good Latinos out there. He respects them because they don’t beg, they go out looking for work.”

No liberal or “Latino leader” bothered to listen. In sum, the “racist” Alonso will not appear in Brava’s Vagina Monologues.

Ms Alonso was born in Cuba, raised in Venezuela and became a U.S. citizen in 2005. Fidel Castro and Che Guevara destroyed her native country and Hugo Chavez destroyed her first adopted country. In brief: “Been there-seen that,” is her horrified reaction to socialism. "I like the way he (Donnelly) wants the government to stay away from our lives," she told Megyn Kelly. "You know, it's our lives, it's our decisions to do with our lives whatever we want. We should not depend on government…when you have to depend on a government, that's what they want, to control you. And that's communism."

Alas, given her ethnic heritage and profession Ms Alonso is also branded as a “Hollywood Latina.” This media branding, as everyone knows, implies a very rigid code of conduct, thought and speech. And endorsing a Tea-Party political candidate grotesquely violates all the implied vows of her profession.

“What was she thinking?” many might ask. The video-ad for Donnelly was meant as “outreach” to California “Latinos” but backfired hideously.

Oh I know, I know. We keep hearing and reading that “in polls” and among “hispanics” or “Latinos” the “illegal immigration issue” is almost trivial. But in real life it doesn’t seem to work that way. The ugliest threats and insults against Ms Alonso all referred to her immigration stance, especially her use of the term “illegal” for those who are in the U.S. illegally. Ms Alonso seems to actually endorse the laws of the nation she swore allegiance to upon becoming a citizen, if you can imagine such a heresy!

As Eliana Lopez forthrightly declared: “We’re in the middle of the (heavily Hispanic) Mission. Doing what she (Alonso) is doing is against what we believe.”

But just down the street from the Mission District’s Brava theatre a “Talking Mural” features Che Guevara.” “He dedicated his life and energy to fighting exploitation, deeply held ideals of hating injustice, and to struggling for the liberation of not only the oppressed and exploited of Latin America but oppressed masses throughout the world,” explains his bio by an outfit named “Freedom Archives,” who provides the audios for the mural.

“The U.S. is the great enemy of mankind!” raved Che Guevara. “The U.S. is ‘a carnivorous animal feeding on the helpless!”

A few more famous Che Guevaraisms:

“Against those hyenas (Americans) there is no option but extermination!”

“We will bring the war to the imperialist enemies’ (Americans) very home, to his places of work and recreation. The imperialist enemy (Americans) must feel like a hunted animal wherever he moves. Thus we’ll destroy him!

“We must keep our hatred (against the U.S.) alive and fan it to paroxysm!”

“The U.S. is the perpetrator of exploitation and oppression against all the peoples of the world!”

“If the nuclear missiles had remained (in Cuba) we would have fired them against the heart of the U.S. including New York City. The victory of Socialism is well worth millions of atomic victims.

Unlike Alonso and Donnelly’s support for U.S. laws—which provoked a firestorm of protests from Mission’s residents and Brava’s producers-- none of the above observations and admonitions by a Stalinist mass-murderer seem to violate “what we (The Mission District ) believes.” Furthermore, back in 2008 the very Brava Theatre that booted Alonso proudly showcased the movie “Chevolution,” a glorification of Che produced in partnership with Castro’s propaganda ministry. Apparently this communist propaganda film meshed perfectly with “what we believe,” in the Mission District.

Alas, neither Chevolution nor The Talking Mural features the above Guevaraisms. They also omit one that should be of immense interest to San Francisco’s “Latino” community:

“Mexicans are a rabble of illiterate Indians.” (Ernesto “Che” Guevara, May 1956)