Axelrod Memo Argues That Voters Support Obama's Jobs Plan

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The Obama campaign sent out a memo from senior strategist David Axelrod on Tuesday arguing that the American people support the president's American Jobs Act. The note, addressed to ‘Interested Parties’, cites reams of polling data in order to prove Americans support the bill, and that Congress's high disapproval rating is linked to a perceived failure to do anything to create jobs in the short term.

“The more people know about the American Jobs Act; the more they hear the President talking about it; the more they want Congress to pass the plan,” Axelrod wrote, calling on Republican lawmakers to “put country ahead of party” and support the bill.

President Obama has been promoting his bill relentlessly since he announced it more than a month ago. Neither chamber has yet voted on the bill, due to stiff Republican opposition and less-than-unanimous Democratic support. The Senate will vote on Tuesday on whether to begin debate on the president’s plan, which has been tweaked in order to win more Democratic votes. Yet Tuesday’s vote still isn’t expected to win the 60 votes it needs for debate to proceed.