Coulter Speaks to CPAC

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Watch Ann Coulter's (unofficial) CPAC Speech

Best-selling author and columnist Ann Coulter elaborated to Conservative Political Action Conference participants why she said she would campaign for Democrat Hillary Clinton for president over Republican John McCain.

“She won’t want to be the first girl President who loses a war… and she [Hillary] would actually enjoy torture in Guantanamo,” Coulter said in a Friday afternoon speech at the Omni Shoreham Hotel in Washington D.C.

The event was held at the CPAC convention hall, but not sponsored by CPAC-- largely because of controversial remarks she made at the convention last year about former North Carolina Senator John Edwards.

Instead, it was organized by Citizens United, Clare Boothe Luce Policy Institute, Human Events, Young America’s Foundation and Townhall. It was not held in the main ballroom where President Bush and Vice-President Dick Cheney spoke earlier in the conference, but in a room nearby.

More than 500 people attended the event. Many of audience members wore large stickers that said “I want Ann Coulter” implying they wished she was permitted to speak on the main ballroom floor.

“We love you, Ann!” several audience members shouted as she approached the podium.

”As this speech indicates Ann Coulter is the most popular speaker CPAC had in modern time,” said YAF spokesman Jason Mattera.

Coulter tried to bring cheer to conservatives who dread a second Clinton Administration

“If Hillary gets elected at least we’ll get the silverware back!” she quipped.

In her remarks, Coulter said she was certain McCain would not nominate any judges for the Supreme Court “without checking with his good friend Teddy Kennedy.”

“I don’t think my girl Hillary is going to listen to Teddy Kennedy anymore!” Coulter said, taking a shot at Kennedy’s decision to endorse Obama over Clinton.

Coulter compared McCain to former Democratic presidential candidate John Kerry, who also service in the military. Coulter noted Democrats believed Kerry would win because, “Oh, he’s a war hero.”

“That’ll work,” Coulter said sarcastically. “I predict our strategy will work as well as it did for the Democrats.”

Coulter noted Barack Obama’s popularity briefly. She said his biggest selling point was “he is one of the least dangerous people I know named Hussein.”

“His first big accomplishment was being born half-black,” Coulter said. “He wouldn’t be running for President if he weren’t half-black.’

She said she would be able to help Clinton’s campaign because “I actually know some black people.”