Marco Rubio Presents a "Clear and Present Danger", Says Former State Dept. Chief of Staff

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Well, it’s about time somebody had the guts to say it! It’s high time to quit coddling a mostly foreign-born ethnic group that brazenly supports-- and even harbors-- terrorists! Many Americans have had it up to here with these swarthy, screaming, fist-pumping hot-heads! This Trojan horse against our national security must be called out! Exposed!

Retired Army Col. Lawrence Wilkerson, who served as Sec. of State Colin Powell’s Chief of Staff, and teaches a course on National Security at George Washington University stepped to the plate. He took it upon himself to grab the torch from Billy Mitchell, George Patton, Doug Mc Arthur, John Singlaub and call out America’s hidden enemies point-blank--along with their powerful political patrons and partners in subversion.

“…the hardcore Cuban-American lobby… has long since outlived any benefit to the United States it might have once offered,” he wrote this week. “In fact, that special interest group today constitutes a clear and present danger to the real security interests of the United States." So there!

Though a legislator rather than a lobbyist, Senator Marco Rubio is as proud and outspoken a member of that “special-interest” group as exists in the U.S. Indeed his first filed amendment went for the very throat of Col. Wilkerson’s “special-interest,” also known as subsidizing Castro’s Stalinist regime, also known as the current state-sponsor-of-terror that came closest to nuking Col. Wilkerson’s homeland.

“There is no reason for the United States to help enrich state sponsors of terrorism,” declared Senator Rubio back in February in response to the Obama administrations further opening of travel, “cultural- exchanges” and remittances from the U.S. to Castro’s fiefdom. “I hope my colleagues will join me in supporting this effort to ensure that U.S. policy does not expose our nation to new security risks and increased security costs.”

"Cuba is Intelligence Trafficker to the World," reveals Lieut. Col Christopher Simmons, until recent retirement, the Defense Intelligence Agency’s top Cuba spycatcher. Among other missions, Cuban spies in the U.S., often working undercover as “diplomats,” “scholars” and “cultural ambassadors”, stole U.S. military secrets and delivered them to Iraq, Panama and Grenada, alerting these regimes to U.S. plans.

Col. Wilkerson ranks right up there with Jimmy Carter as among Castro’s favorite yankees. This “credit to his nationality” as Castro might put it, is frequently showcased by Castro’s propaganda ministry while he lobbies for his heartfelt special-interests, so obviously dear to Castro’s own heart.

But Wilkerson’s “special-interest” doesn’t stop with lobbying for increased cash-flow from the U.S. to Castro. He also lobbies for freeing Castro’s spies and terrorists convicted in U.S. courts. Along with Jimmy Carter, and joining forces with Danny Glover, Bonnie Raitt, Sean Penn, Martin Sheen, Benicio del Toro, Jackson Browne among many other experts in U.S. Appellate court procedures, Col. Lawrence Wilkerson agonizes over the fate of the “Cuban Five,” denounces the judicial process that convicted them and lobbies for their immediate and unconditional release to Cuba.

Back home, presumably, these Communist spies could get a refresher course from their KGB-trained handlers, brush up on their KGB manuals and maybe outfox our FBI next time. Some background: On September 14, 1998, the FBI uncovered a Castro spy ring in Miami and arrested ten of them. Five were convicted by U.S. juries (from which Cuban-Americans were scrupulously excluded) for espionage against the nation Col. Wilkerson took an oath to defend (and did so in Viet-nam) and for conspiracy to commit murder. These became known as the “The Cuban Five” in Castroite parlance. On serves two life sentences and the convictions of all five were upheld by an appeals court.

“When I was chief of staff of the Department of State from 2002-2005,” Col. Wilkerson wrote for Castro’s press, “I noted several reports…written for reasons having everything to do with special interest groups to whom politicians were pandering. I believe Cuba’s inclusion on the terrorism list is a glaring example of such a report. I sometimes felt a considerable degree of shame with regard to my country’s issuing of the (terrorism) reports without listing itself as a violator (emphasis mine).”

That should tell you something about Col. Lawrence Wilkerson.

“America is the single greatest nation on earth, a place without equal in the history of all mankind,” declared Senator Rubio during a weekly GOP address in November. “I know about the unique exceptionalism of our country. Not because I read about it in a book, I’ve seen it through my own eyes. You see, I was raised in a community of exiles, by people who lost their country, people who once had dreams like we do today, but had to come to a foreign shore to find them.”

And that should tell you something about Senator Marco Rubio, this “clear and present danger to our national security” in the view of such as Col. Lawrence Wilkerson.