Gore Claims High Ground with BS

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A blustery “bull******” Al Gore clip is wending its way through the Internet.

On August 4, Gore was speaking at the Aspen Institute FOCAS seminar in Colorado. The minute plus clip is the most interesting part of an hour-and-half long snooze fest—though he does perk it up when he talks about how climate change has fallen from the front burner of the public psyche. He uses several different fecal terms to describe the various valid theories regarding climate change.

Could the rant be the result of science questioning his profitable propaganda?

Al Gore has had his hand in the eco-till for decades. In 1994, as vice president, he cast the tie- breaking vote that made ethanol the mandatory gasoline additive—replacing petroleum based MTBE. He cofounded the now- defunct Chicago Climate Exchange with President Obama. At its peak in June of 2008, back when it was expected cap and trade would pass any day, carbon was trading at $7.40 a ton.

Just a few months earlier between his election and inauguration, President Obama met with Al Gore in Chicago to discuss global warming and energy policy. As a result of that meeting, the President-elect said, “We all believe what the scientists have been telling us for years now, that this is a matter of urgency and national security, and it has to be dealt with in a serious way. That is what I intend my administration to do.”

They did try, but cap and trade did not pass and the Chicago Climate Exchange folded when the price of carbon dropped to nothing. With it went Al Gore’s plans of profiting from his propaganda. But that has not stopped the Obama administration from pursuing the policies that promote that which isn’t economically viable while punishing what works.

Between the high and low prices of carbon, came climategate and a variety of other news items that have since sunk the scientific validity of manmade global warming and public concern over his pseudoscience—including Gore’s own admission that his support of ethanol was more politics than science. Even the environmentalists, admitting defeat on the issue, have moved to a defensive position.

Apparently, Al Gore doesn’t like being marginalized. With no real science to back him up, he’s resorted to expletives.

When will real environmentalists wake up and realize that they’ve been used to spread fear to promote a solution to a problem that doesn’t exist, but that was designed to make an elite few very rich? Whatever happened to simple bird watching?

 This Gore rant is much more entertaining: 

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