Sen. Lee: ‘I’m Not Nervous About What Republicans Are Doing’

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ABC News' Rick Klein (@rickklein) reports: Amid the public hand-wringing over his party’s stance on Medicare, count freshman Sen. Mike Lee among those committed to standing behind a bold -- if politically risky -- set of policy proposals.

"I'm not nervous about what Republicans are doing," Lee, R-Utah, who was elected last year with strong Tea Party support, told us on ABC's "Top Line" today.

"Republicans are the only group in this town who put forward a budget, a budget that's gone anywhere. The only budget we've got from any Democrat right now is the president's, which got exactly zero votes on the floor of the Senate yesterday. That tells you something about where his leadership in this country is taking us."

Despite skepticism from some Republicans -- including the leading presidential contenders -- about the budget put forward by Rep. Paul Ryan, Lee said there's broad agreement inside the GOP:

"They do endorse the idea that we have to address these problems head on. We have to confront entitlements. We have to confront the fact that if we do nothing, that by itself will destroy our entitlement system."