Just imagine what the Lincoln Project could have been had they been able to avoid being the money-grubbing scumbags they truly are. They could have mattered; they could have not only made all the money but they could have made a difference too. Even some junkies can pull their act together long enough to hold down a job and not have to prostitute themselves for the cash to feed their needs. But then politics is filled with a different breed of prostitute, one for whom money IS the addiction – so you don’t need it to buy your drug of choice, it is the drug of choice. When you’re a whore for money there is nothing else that will satiate; nothing “hits the mark.” That’s where these Lincolns guys have gone.
I’d like to say they lost their way, but to whore yourself out so thoroughly is a good indication that you didn’t have much of a soul to sell in the first place. Even if you give these hookers the benefit of doubt at the start – that they were conservatives who simply could not stand Donald Trump – at a certain point they started getting high on their own supply and turned on everything they swore they firmly believed in. Once Trump started doing a few of the things they’d claimed to care about, you’d think they’d be happy. But there’s no left-wing money in principles, if they ever had them.
I’ll use Michael Steele as an example, since most of the rest of these child sexual predator-enablers only became famous after selling out. What did Michael Steele stand for when he was Chairman of the Republican National Committee that he stands for now? Anything?
People evolve over time. It’s not unusual to change your opinions on some things as you learn more as you age and more facts come to light. Yet, Steele has seemingly flipped on everything, or at least is too afraid the money train will stop rolling if he talks too much about the conservative things he still supports publicly. Makes you wonder if he was lying then or lying now, but there is little alternative to the idea that he’s a liar.
But politics rewards lying, there’s a lot of money in selling out. So, when one of the founders of the Lincoln Project was exposed as a sexual predator targeting under age interns in the organization, the group kept it quiet. They would rather have the money continue to roll in than risk an even temporary dip in dollars they could pass around to their “consulting firms.”
Once it became public, they did all the things you’d expect a crisis management PR firm to tell them to do – denounce it, plead ignorance, launch an “independent investigation,” etc. – and went quiet for a couple of minutes. But if you’ve ever seen a junkie wake up from a heroin stupor you know that immediate look in their eye: where’s my next fix?
The Lincoln Project couldn’t even muster the common decency to pretend to be bothered by their own disgusting actions and were back at the con almost immediately. Even a prostitute takes time to shower off every once in a while, but not these guys. History is littered with useful idiots tossed away like soiled tissues once the “useful” part of their title went away.
Political prostituting is not a sentimental business any more than the women at the Bunny Ranch really like you and would totally hang out with you even if you weren’t putting their kid through college one “appointment” at a time.
These syphilitic-character political prostitutes always need more, always. Like any poor athlete who blows all their money when the checks are rolling in and finds himself broke at the end of his career, it doesn’t matter how much cash you’ve taken in if you live like it’ll always be coming in; you can send it out just as fast. You always need more.
The Lincoln Project is now an appendage of the Democrat Party, probably one they tuck back really far because it’s embarrassing even to them. Their value is diminished – think of it as the difference between a high-priced call girl and a street-walker – now that most of the public knows just how gross they are. But they have value as choir-preachers to the left, producing things MSNBC faithful can claim “comes from Republicans” on social media. It’s a little like going from Oscar-winner to being a clown at a kid’s birthday party and claiming it’s still show business!
Now they’re attacking Ron DeSantis. Why? Because that’s a bank they haven’t robbed yet. They’ve milked the Trump cow dry, they’ve attacked Republicans over conservative principles to the point of being a joke, why wouldn’t they go after the Governor of Florida. If anything, it should be a badge of honor for DeSantis – it’s highly unlikely he was trying to attract the child sexual predator-enabler vote anyway. As Jeffrey Epstein showed, their natural home is the Democrat Party.
Derek Hunter is the host of a free daily podcast (subscribe!) and author of the book, Outrage, INC., which exposes how liberals use fear and hatred to manipulate the masses, and host of the weekly “Week in F*cking Review” podcast where the news is spoken about the way it deserves to be. Follow him on Twitter at @DerekAHunter.
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