Campaign Voices

The Biden Administration’s Manufactured Baby Formula Crisis

The Biden Administration’s performance across a wide variety of issues has been nothing but subpar and devastating to the millions of Americans the president is charged to serve. From our Southern border to the attack on individual liberty and medical freedom, President Biden’s incompetence seemingly knows no limit. Unfortunately, this paradigm of ineptitude has recently begun to effect millions of parents and their newborn children with our nation’s baby formula crisis. With questionable medical advisors and a lack of business acumen, the Biden Administration’s inaction is now having a devastating effect on newborn babies and their families. Furthermore, the administration’s fumbled attempt to resolve the crisis has led to dangerous calls to extend the reach of the federal government.

Many have suggested that the baby formula crisis was not caused by the Biden Administration and, while that may be true, the Biden Administration’s policies—or rather lack thereof—has only worsened the crisis. For example, the Biden Administration’s Food and Drug Administration (FDA) Commissioner Robert Califf was aware of early warning signs indicating that there were health and safety violations at the Abbott manufacturing plant in Michigan. However, while aware that this was an encroaching problem, Commissioner Califf did nothing and continued to do nothing even after reports last Fall of dozens of infants becoming seriously ill after consuming baby formula produced at that plant in Michigan.

In the wake of record-breaking inflation and serious supply chain shortages from the COVID-19 pandemic, the Biden Administration seemingly believes that ignorance followed inaction seems to be the best policy. Thankfully, after pressure from conservatives paired with national outrage, President Biden has announced that he will invoke the Defense Production Act to combat the growing baby formula shortage. While this action is necessary and may help alleviate some of hardships on struggling families, why has it only come now?

The FDA knew months before that the baby formula crisis was on the horizon and only responded after being called out and national outrage grew. However, even with the Biden Administration’s invocation of the Defense Production Act, there are still questions as to the administration’s attempt to resolve this manufactured crisis.

For example, 78,000 lbs of baby formula is to be distributed amongst hospitals, doctor’s officers, and pharmacies across the United States after being flown in from Europe. However, here in California, given Governor Newsom’s draconian COVID policies and vaccine requirements, must parents be vaccinated to pick up formula for their children? Additionally, these medical facilities are rationing baby formula, with each family only being able to select a few cans at a time. Essentially, the government is now in control of a major portion of nation’s food supply and in return is asking for more power to address the issue.

This should disturb every American, as implications are greater than the current baby formula crisis. The Biden Administration’s playbook is clear: they are manipulating the food supply and subsequently extending the reach and power of the federal government. They are saying to everyday Americans that they can have formula only if they abide by their rules.

The Biden Administration’s actions are not only shameful, but absurd—especially when compared to his predecessor. If President Trump had been in office, there would have been actions months before to handle this crisis before it erupted and numerous deals with industry to ensure that the effects of millions of Americans would be limited. Instead, Americans are forced to bargain their babies’ futures with an administration that seemingly has no grip on reality. The Biden Administration has cultivated chaos and now asks that we give them more control to fix the problem.

As a doctor, a father, and a candidate for U.S. Senate in California, it is time we protect Californians’—alongside every American—right to make important decisions for themselves and their families by electing leaders who have more faith in the citizenry than in government