
Is Joe Biden Really Bragging About Going Against Supreme Court on Student Debt?

Late last June, the U.S. Supreme Court struck down President Joe Biden's student loan bailout plan. Despite such a loss, Biden continues with such a plan to reallocate student loan debt so as to win over these young voters who are souring him, in defiance of the Court. It is an election year, after all. Stunningly the president even brags about such a move.

A post from Biden's political account claims his administration "will never stop working to cancel student debt," which appears to come off as a promise but also reads as a warning and a threat. 

The post also claims it's "Trump and extreme MAGA Republicans try[ing] to stop us," when in reality it's a majority of the Supreme Court, and not just the justices appointed by former President Donald Trump. The side by side comparison included in the post still ties Trump to the justices, though, by noting how Trump "[p]raised his Supreme Court nominees for voting to kill President Biden's original student debt relief plan."

Speaker Emerita Nancy Pelosi (D-CA) herself, though, admitted in July 2021--not exactly ancient history--that the federal government lacks such authority, as did Biden himself in an interview with "60 Minutes" that aired in September 2022. 

In just over 12 hours of being up, the post earned 8,600 replies and hundreds of quoted reposts, with users mostly taking issue with such a post. 

Many specifically took particular issue with how Biden is talking about reallocating student loan debt to hardworking tax payers when college students are engaging in pro-Hamas protests on campuses across the country.

Biden's bragging is not just particularly relevant as antisemitic protests carry on thanks to pro-Hamas agitators on campus, but because he just announced yet another round of student loan debt "forgiveness."

Last Wednesday, Biden announced he was approving the "cancellation" of $6.1 billion in student loan debt for 317,000 borrowers who attended the Art Institutes. 

CNN pundit Scott Jennings quipped in response over X that he hopes Trump, should he win, "does a weekly game show & grants massive payments to people who voted for him in swing states."

Despite such clear desperation from the deeply unpopular incumbent president seeking reelection, he continues to falter in the polls. It seems that just about every poll analysis that's out there highlights how Biden is performing poorly with young people in particular.

A headline from Bloomberg last December about the poll they put out with Morning Consult also had lamented how "Biden Forgave Billions in Student Debt. Poll Shows It’s Not Enough For Gen Z."