
Florida's Six-Week Abortion Ban Takes Effect

A pro-life policy outlawing abortion after six weeks gestation is now law of the land in Florida.

According to The Washington Post, now, abortion providers can no longer offer the procedure to most patients, as many women do not know that they are pregnant at six weeks. 

The Post noted that Florida’s “heartbeat” law, specifically, “is widely expected to be the biggest jolt to abortion access across the country” (via The Washington Post): 

It will affect significantly more women than any other state ban on abortions in the first trimester. More than 80,000 women get an abortion in Florida in a typical year, accounting for about 1 in 12 abortions nationwide.

DeSantis initially signed the bill into law last year, as Townhall covered. At the time, the law would take effect only if the state’s current 15-week abortion statute was upheld in a legal challenge.

“We are proud to support life and family in the state of Florida,” DeSantis said in a statement at the time. “I applaud the Legislature for passing the Heartbeat Protection Act that expands pro-life protections and provides additional resources for young mothers and families.”

Last year, Florida made a jump up seven spots on its list of the most pro-life states for the year 2022, which Townhall also covered.

In addition to saving unborn lives, legislation spearheaded by DeSantis and Florida Republicans expanded resources for pro-life pregnancy resource centers. And, a press release from DeSantis’ office highlighted his administration’s Framework for Freedom Budget, which included permanent sales tax exemptions for baby and toddler necessities.