
Joe Biden Is Unraveling American-Israeli Relations Before Our Eyes

American-Israeli relations are unraveling before our eyes, and it’s Mr. Magoo driving all of it. Joe Biden has threatened again to cut off arms shipments to Israel if they go into Rafah. Israeli forces have been preparing to clear out the last Hamas bastion in Gaza for quite some time, which has met with staunch opposition from Biden and his band of idiots who seem determined to keep the terror organization from getting annihilated. 

Keep in mind, cutting off military aid is what got Trump impeached vis-à-vis Ukraine, albeit those were shoddy allegations brought forward by a whistleblower who reportedly was neck-deep in the Biden family’s influence-peddling operations in the country. On this issue, it’s happening. Biden already stopped a shipment of bombs, a detail he tried to hide from Congress (via Politico): 

President Joe Biden said Wednesday that he would halt shipments of bombs and other munitions to Israel if it launched a major military invasion into the southern Gaza city of Rafah. 

The warning comes as Israeli forces appeared poised to conduct more operations in the densely packed city of 1.7 million despite repeated warnings not to do so by the U.S. government. 

“I made it clear that if they go into Rafah — they haven’t gone in Rafah yet — if they go into Rafah, I’m not supplying the weapons that have been used historically to deal with Rafah, to deal with the cities — that deal with that problem,” Biden said in an interview on CNN. 

The statement was the clearest conditioning of aid that the administration has made since the start of Israel’s war in Gaza. And it sent immediate ripples through national politics, with conservatives accusing the president of abandoning a long-held ally. 

Biden has been steadfastly supportive of Israel since Hamas’ attack on Oct. 7 and in a speech this week affirmed U.S. support while warning of a ferocious rise in antisemitism. 

But the administration has also gradually soured on Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu’s handling of the war. And in his interview with CNN, Biden for the first time also acknowledged that American-made weapons have killed civilians in Gaza. 

You can’t have it both ways, old man. You can’t say that the United States will stand behind Israel and that commitment is “ironclad” while stripping them of the armaments they need to carry out this war. The antisemitism speech came many months too late. You bungled a ceasefire agreement wherein you didn’t even tell Israeli officials one was in the works, only being exposed by Hamas, who announced they agreed to it. And, of course, Israel rejected it because the demands might as well have been hashed out in an opium den. 

Joe Biden has been a trainwreck on foreign policy for 40 years. This disaster was inevitable, and now we have a president who is spitting in Israel’s face to win Michigan, a must-win state, for Biden in 2024. The problem is Biden thinks his issue is with the Muslim voter enclaves there. It is, but independent voters are the bigger issue in the state, and they hate this guy.

Last, Israel is going to remain in Gaza. I don't know who in this administration doesn't get it, but the policy will remain long after Netanyahu has left office, no matter who takes over as Israel's prime minister.