
You Can't Do That: Florida Officer Arrests Man Who Vandalized Car With Anti-Biden Sticker

The video purports to show a New York transplant discovering that in Florida, you can’t vandalize vehicles, and you will be arrested for it. Regardless of where this individual came from, the man is approached by police over allegations that he keyed a car after he found a bumper sticker on it to be offensive. 

The vehicle had a ‘Let’s Go Brandon’ sticker on it. He was caught dead to rights. The officer says there’s a ton of security camera footage of him committing the act. Before this part, the man was read his rights and made clear that he didn’t need to answer any of the officer’s questions. He decided to proceed and admitted that he had scratched the car.

“It infuriated me,” he said. 

The officer later tells the man that the woman in the vehicle with the anti-Biden sticker is pressing charges and that he needs to take him to jail. As he’s placing the man under arrest, the officer reiterates the obvious, which seems to be lost on liberals: “I mean, dude, it costs about $6,000 [in damages] …it’s a felony when you damage someone’s property.”

A bumper sticker on a car triggered this snowflake so much that he committed a crime. It’s an exercise in free speech, and he couldn’t handle it. Tell me how liberals aren’t children again.

Some people have been truly broken since the 2016 election.