
Bartiromo Asks Jordan a Question on Every Conservative's Mind

Fox News’s Maria Bartiromo on Sunday asked Rep. Jim Jordan (R-OH) a question many conservatives have wondered as they listen to updates from various GOP investigations into President Biden, among others. 

Discussing the Judiciary Committee’s latest report on the “Manhattan District Attorney’s Office’s Political Vendetta Against President Donald J. Trump,” the host asked what Republicans are actually planning to do about it.   

“Well, look, I mean, at this point, American citizens are asking, what can you do about it? I mean, look, with all due respect, people are sick and tired of congressional investigations that go nowhere. People are sick and tired of letters being written and sent to the people who we know are bad in the first place,” Bartiromo said on “Sunday Morning Futures.” 

“They want you to do something about it. You’re an elected official. What can you do to right these wrongs?” she asked. 

The Ohio Republican acknowledged the frustrating reality that they really can’t do much.  

“Well, we have passed legislation out of the committee that would help remedy this situation, particularly the one in New York, but the president or vice president can move a case to federal — to federal court from when you do these state prosecutors who are going after someone for a political reason,” Jordan replied.

“So, we’re — we’re a legislative branch. We can’t put anyone in jail. And I don’t think the Biden administration, their [Department of Justice] is going to go after the people who — need to go after. You’re just not going to get that from [U.S. Attorney General Merrick Garland],” he added.