
A Democratic Party Megadonor Just Issued a Major Warning for Biden

Now, let’s move to the incompetence part of this presidency. It certainly played a factor in this decision to suspend arms shipments to Israel, but does Biden think he can pull a long con over the electorate here? Does this man believe he has the smarts and skills to sell to the antisemites and pro-Hamas supporters within the Democratic Party base that he’s tough on Israel while telling American Jews that our “ironclad” support for the Jewish state will remain? 

That’s the sticky wicket: Biden needs to kowtow, grovel, and appease vicious antisemites and supporters of radical Islam to keep his 2024 bid alive. It’s the ‘Keep Michigan’ page of the 2024 playbook. He loses this state, and it’s all but over. His path to 270 in the Electoral College virtually vanishes, a point where operatives on both sides agree. So, to win over the terrorist vote, Biden is playing reckless games with Israel, which is on the cusp of total victory against Hamas in Gaza. 

Barak Ravid of Axios shared this message from a Biden megadonor, Haim Saban:

“Let's not forget there are more Jewish voters who care about Israel than Muslim voters who care about Hamas.” 

For every pro-Hamas clown he manages to appease, he’ll lose two Jewish voters. In April, Rabbi Ammi Hirsch commented on the rise of antisemitism in America, adding, “Be careful [Democrats]. The results of the upcoming elections do not only depend on Michigan.” 

If trying to placate both sides without them knowing it is what Biden is trying to do, he doesn’t have the political acumen or agility to pull it off. Then again, given how this presidency is such a downgrade, a Mickey Mouse circus, Biden could be hoping to win over enough antisemites and terrorist voters to put him over the top, and that's it. He’s a master of gaslighting himself into thinking he’s an excellent leader. You’re the spokesperson for adult diapers, Joe. 

No one thinks you’re great, especially independent voters in Michigan, which is the group you should be targeting to win over because right now, they hate your guts, man.