
Here's An IDF Officer Warning a Palestinian Civilian to Evacuate. The Call Is Horrifying.

The touted Israel-Hamas ceasefire agreement collapsed within hours. You can’t trust or reason with terrorists. We’ve long reached this point in the discussion, but for those who are a little behind, the only way this war ends is when every Hamas member is dead. And yes, Israeli forces are dealing with a civilian issue regarding this military operation. 

The IDF has created humanitarian zones and has been warning the non-Hamas Gazans to flee to safety—yes, they also support the terror group. The main anti-Israel narrative that’s fueled the pro-Hamas circus on college campuses nationwide is that the Jewish state is committing genocide in Gaza. That’s been flatly rejected numerous times, even among international legal bodies, though when you have antisemitism coursing through your veins, facts don’t matter. Here is a call from an IDF officer to a Palestinian civilian in Rafah, urging him to evacuate his family. The man, “Abu Younes,” is reluctant to heed the advice, even telling the officer that they want to die. He also says he wants no peace that comes from Israel. It’s an interaction with a death cult. It’s evil. You can hear children in the background.

Not that it needs to be said, but this undercuts every anti-Israel talking point spewed over the past few weeks. No one who commits genocide calls the people they want to annihilate and warns them to flee to safety. That is number one in the “How Not to commit genocide” guidebook. The Turks didn’t warn the Armenians. The Germans, well, you know the story there. And the Interahamwe didn’t get on Radio Mille Collines to tell Rwandans of Tutsi descent to evacuate to areas that wouldn’t become war zones. 

As of now, Israeli forces are moving on Rafah, the last bastion of Hamas power in Gaza. And we hope it ends with the total destruction of Hamas. Also, liberal Americans do know that the IDF is staying in Gaza, right? Even after Netanyahu has left power, whoever else, regardless of party, will continue the policy. 

Meanwhile, college campuses could erupt again.