
The Perfect Symbol to Describe the Pro-Hamas Crowd Was Discovered at USC

It was only a matter of time before someone drew this symbol during the pro-Hamas mayhem that’s engulfed America’s college campuses. It’s also one that perfectly describes the aims of the pro-terrorist horde that’s been calling for the death of Jews and the destruction of Israel. Could you take a guess? If you thought that a swastika was found on the campus of the University of Southern California, you’d be correct (via CBS News): 

The president of the University of Southern California denounced the actions of vandals who drew a Swastika at the school's campus. 

"I've been made aware of a swastika drawn on our campus," President Carol Folt wrote. "I condemn any antisemitic symbols or any form of hate speech against anyone." 

Folt said staff has already removed the symbol which was drawn on a fence post. 

"Clearly it was drawn there just to incite even more anger at a time that is so painful for our community," Folt wrote.

Folt said the university will launch an investigation into the graffiti. 

Some think that these protests aren’t seated in antisemitism but anti-war and anti-Netanyahu sentiments. I don’t know what drugs they’re smoking, but they need to stop. The evidence that this is about killing and hating Jews is beyond overwhelming: