
Biden White House Ducked, Dipped, Dived, and Dodged When Asked the About Columbia University Situation

Columbia University issued an ultimatum to the pro-Hamas students who are demanding the school cut disinvest with Israel, a nation they also want to see destroyed: clear out or face suspension. That deadline has long passed, and faculty have formed a human chain to protect the pro-terrorist students. 

Has anyone from the Biden administration spoken with the university’s administration amid this chaos? Based on White House Press Secretary Karine Jean-Pierre’s response, it doesn’t seem that way. Newsbusters’ Curtis Houck clipped the exchange. CBS News’ Weijia Jiang asked the question:

I — I don't have any — uh — read out — I should have — I should have answered that in, I believe that was Jeff's question, um, I — I — I don't have any calls to read out to you of a conversations with any university, any university leaders — uh, at this time. Uh, obviously the president's going to go speak at Morehouse, and so we've been in touch with them because he's going to give a deliver a commencement speech. He's looking forward to doing that. It is such an important moment in time for graduates, and he's gonna go obviously to — uh — to West Point. Those are the two that he's doing.”

 Where’s the leadership?

Regarding the president being in contact with Columbia, which has become a mecca for jihad, Ms. Jean-Pierre repeated the standard line, which does not answer the question, saying that they support peaceful protest:

When asked about clearing out these encampments, the press secretary added that caution must be followed since some colleges are private. She deferred to college administrations regarding how to handle the pro-Hamas rabble. 

The press corps wasn’t going to let this fade away. When asked again whether anyone was in contact with Columbia, Ms. Jean-Pierre said, “I don't have any readout.” 

Finally, should the Columbia Hamas chapter disperse? 

“I'm just not gonna comment on leadership at colleges and universities, their decisions. That's for them to decide,” Jean-Pierre replied. 

In other words, these kids are going to continue to cause havoc.