
The Biden Administration's Latest Move Will Certainly Increase Tensions With Israel

The Biden administration took an unprecedented step this afternoon: they accused the Israeli military of human rights violations. It’s no secret that Joe Biden doesn’t want Israel to defeat Hamas. It will create a domestic headache for him at home, as the Democratic Party base has become increasingly hostile to Israel. Rafah is the last remaining Hamas bastion in Gaza; Israel is going to take it. The longer this war continues, the more incensed young voters, whom Biden cannot lose, become at Israel and the Biden White House. Also, these incidents within the IDF were all allegedly committed before October 7 (via Fox News): 

The U.S. found five units of the Israel Defense Forces responsible "for individual incidents of gross violations of human rights," the State Department announced on Monday – though whether funding to the American ally could be cut over such abuses under the so-called "Leahy Laws" still hangs in the balance. 

At a press briefing, State Department principal deputy spokesman Vedant Patel told reporters that the human rights violations happened all before the Oct. 7 attacks by Hamas militants on southern Israel and none happened in Gaza. Four of the units have "effectively remediated," he said, while the U.S. continues "in consultations and engagements with the government of Israel" on the remaining unit. 

"They have submitted additional information as it pertains to that unit. And we're continuing to have those conversations consistent with the memorandum of understanding that we have with the government of Israel that was entered into in 2021," he said. "When conclusions are made under actions that fall under the auspices of the Foreign Assistance Act, we are required to consult with officials from the government of Israel, and that is ongoing. We are engaging with them in a process, and we will make an ultimate decision when it comes to that unit when that process is complete." 

This move is to placate the pro-Hamas crowd, though this is inside baseball for most, especially the rabid pro-terrorist students who have revolted on college campuses nationwide. I doubt they saw this press conference or would even care about this announcement. Condemning Israel but stopping short of cutting aid, which is what the Leahy laws dictate, is the classic 2024 political move. First, it’s wrong, but you know that already. But this is Biden and his team trying to keep states like Michigan from veering into a Muslim voter revolt. It’s something for the president to mention on the stump or at a press gaggle to show the far left flank that he’s doing something about Israel. 

In the meantime, we slapped the world’s only democracy in the Middle East and increased tensions for no reason other than Biden needing to appease the antisemitic hordes to keep his re-election hopes alive.