Columbia Is Reaping What It Sowed, and So Is America

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One of the greatest principles ever enunciated in world history, and one which the vast majority of mankind totally ignores, is the apostle Paul’s dictum, “Do not be deceived, God is not mocked; for whatever a man sows, that he will also reap.”  God doesn’t save us from our own foolishness or bad choices.  We wouldn’t learn much if He did.  If we didn’t suffer the consequences of dumb decisions, we would repeat them continually to our even greater harm and maybe destruction.  To put it another way, we wouldn’t be learning from history.

Fortunately, most of our unwise decisions—and we’ve all made them—aren’t deadly and don’t have totally cataclysmic consequences.  I wasn’t a very good student my first couple of years in college; girls were prettier than books, so I spent more time chasing the former than hitting the latter.  As a result, my grades weren’t very high.  I didn’t study for an exam and would make a bad score.  Rather than learning from that blunder, I often didn’t study very hard for the next exam, either, with the same results.  It finally dawned on me that if I wanted to succeed in college, I needed to learn from the history I was trying to study (I was a history major).   I eventually had some pretty good success in college.  Intelligent decisions produce positive results—that is part of “reaping what one sows” as well.

So, my foolishness of not studying had some immediate negative consequences, but I eventually learned, amended my behavior, and thus the ultimate consequences weren’t catastrophic.  In two ways, I reaped what I sowed—the first negative, the second positive.  I’ve done some other pretty dumb things in life, with differing degrees of negative outcomes.  Occasionally, I’ve actually done something sensible and was rewarded for it.  But we all tend to remember the negative more than the positive, at least I do.   Hegel’s maxim “history teaches us that men learn nothing from history” applies to historians every bit as much as it does to normal people.  Or, in Paul’s words, we reap what we sow.  Bad and good.

Einstein’s wisdom of “insanity is doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results” is applicable here as well.  And, not surprisingly, Leftists never learn Paul’s, Hegel’s, or Einstein’s adages.  There is a reason for that. To Leftists, their ideology is their religion.  It is against nature, science, history, economics, and every other discipline one wishes to compare it with, and has been proven so countless times.   But they will never give it up because it is their sole reason for existence.  Leftism’s ideology is more important to them than facts, truth, or even human lives.  They let nothing, absolutely nothing, stand in the way of what they believe.  And thus, they reap what they sow, and even more tragically, countless numbers of innocent people have been harmed or killed along the way.  

Too many American universities, such as Columbia University, are now reaping the harvest of the rotten seeds they have sown in the past.  They made DEI hires—in other words, put unqualified, incompetent people into administrative positions.  They tenured Leftist professors who know absolutely nothing about the true purpose of education, i.e., to improve the whole person, morally and mentally, to prepare youths for productive, honorable, civilized lives among their peers, and is not intended for propaganda and indoctrination.  They have accepted the Leftist “zeitgeist” that the “oppressed” of the world should be placated and coddled when they act like barbarians, rather than be taught to work hard to improve themselves, overcome obstacles that every human faces, and act like civilized beings instead of savages.   Rather than insisting these unlearned, idealistic students get their butts to the library and study, they tolerated them when they cried like babies.  And now, they are crying like babies in a BIG way, and Columbia, UCLA, et al, are suffering the consequences.  But Leftism is their church, and the classroom is their pulpit.  

In other words, Columbia is now reaping what it has been sowing for years.   

One small, foolish action—not studying for one exam—can lead to a negative, but not shattering, result.  But massive mistakes, repeated, copied, and accumulated over many years, will produce a harvest that is truly devastating to countless people.  And it’s not like the lessons of Columbia are new.  We’ve seen such actions before.  It’s just that Leftists absolutely refuse to learn them because their ideology trumps everything—even the well-being of a humanity they claim to love so much.

So, a (supposedly) great American educational institution has not learned one single, solitary intelligent lesson from history.  And is reaping a horrendous harvest.  Those are the people educating our children today and have been for the last several decades.  America is reaping what it sowed, too, in letting the Left have our education system.   

To anyone who understands Paul, Hegel, and Einstein, there is absolutely no wonderment at all that America has elected degenerate politicians like Nancy Pelosi and Joe Biden to high office.  If your education system is given over to Leftist indoctrination rather than creating intelligent, moral, virtuous citizens, it will produce people who elect Bidens, Pelosis, Schumers, and their ilk.  If you don’t say “NO!”—with emphasis—the first time your baby starts to stick its wet finger into a wall socket, don’t be surprised if someday soon you have fried baby on your hands.

Columbia is suffering right now.  We’ve known for a long time the consequences of Leftist ideology on college campuses and in government.  We’ve known.   But Columbia didn’t learn, and probably won’t learn this time, either.  Because, to Leftists, ideology is more important than wisdom.

And thus they, and so, so many other people will suffer the consequences caused by the Left’s continual reaping of what it is sowing in the world today.  

Check my substack mklewis929.substack.com.   There’s lots of other good stuff on Leftism, the Founders, etc., along with Biblical studies, so sign up.  Follow me on Twitter:  @thailandmkl.   Read my western novels, Whitewater , River Bend,  Return to River Bend, and Allie’s Dilemma all available on Amazon.