There’s so much right-wing crap on the best seller list these days. It’s great to see a book that you might want to put on your shelf and let your respected friends see you actually reading.Apparently Matthews is a little upset that conservative literature has been dominating the best seller list lately: Michelle Malkin's Culture of Corruption is sitting at #1; Bill O's Bold Fresh Piece of Humanity is still on the list at #6; Mark Levin's Liberty and Tyranny is #7; and Dick Morris' Catastophe has captured the #8 spot this week. Meanwhile Matthews' guest Brinkley's book Teddy Roosevelt: The Wilderness Warrior came in at #21.
I'm sure Matthews will continue being depressed as Glenn Beck's newest book, Arguing with Idiots, is released next week. Speaking of, I hope you take advantage of TH's limited-time offer: sign up now for a Townhall Magazine subscription and receive a FREE copy of Beck's new book!
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