Breaking news: Americans still despise ObamaCare. With the Supreme Court deciding this week it would put the ObamaCare case on the docket for a ruling next summer, the government take-over of healthcare is back front and center. A new Rasmussen Report shows 69 percent of Americans do not believe the federal government has the authority to require individuals to purchase health insurance.
As the Supreme Court considers the constitutionality of the health care law, American voters overwhelming reject the notion that the federal government has the authority to force anyone to buy health insurance. The so-called Individual Mandate is at the center of the legal controversy. Most voters continue to see the federal government as a threat to individual liberties rather than a protector of such rights.
Just 21% of voters believe the federal government has the right to force individuals to buy health insurance. A new Rasmussen Reports national telephone survey finds that 69% disagree and say that the government has no right to impose a requirement for buying health insurance. Republicans and unaffiliated voters overwhelmingly reject the notion that the government has such authority. Democrats are fairly evenly divided on the question.
Regardless of the constitutionality, most voters continue to favor repeal of the health care law passed last year by Congress.
So there you have it. Americans don't appreciate liberty sweeping pieces of legislation dictating what they have to buy, especially when it comes to personal health.
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