Although some could argue that the article may be overemphasizing the discontent, a recent article at reported that the plan to choose an interim Senator to replace Ted Kennedy in Massachusetts is facing a major political obstacle. reported the following:
Check out the full article and decide for yourself if you think Deval Patrick will be given the chance to appoint an interim Senator. Leave your thoughts below...Within the solidly Democratic Massachusetts political establishment, there’s widespread desire to fill the vacancy with a placeholder who can give the state a second Democratic vote in the Senate until a replacement for Kennedy is selected in the January special election. But the idea of scrapping the state’s 2004 succession law—and the message it would send to voters—is troubling many lawmakers and giving them pause...
Overriding that law so soon afterwards with another one, again with an overt political design—to provide a possibly critical vote in favor of President Barack Obama’s agenda this fall—is proving too much for some legislators to swallow.
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