The CBC's objectives include promoting "Educational Reinvestment in Low Income & Disadvantaged African American Communities," providing "Just Housing Options," and eliminating "Health Disparities." West campaigned on health care repeal and limited government principles. Here's West on WOR radio:
I plan on joining, I'm not gonna ask for permission or whatever, I'm gonna find out when they meet, and I will be a member of the Congressional Black Caucus, and I think I meet all of the criteria, and it's so important that we break down this 'monolithic voice' that continues to talk about victimization and dependency in the black community.The drama involved in West's relationship within the CBC should be better than an episode of Jersey Shore. One prominent member, Rep. James Clyburn (D-S.C.) is being put forth as a candidate for House Majority leader; he's being endorsed by the current head of the CBC, Rep. Barbara Lee (D-Calif.).
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