Reps. Jason Altmire (D), Tim Murphy (R), Mike Doyle (D), and Sen. Bob Casey Jr. (D) all had excuses as to why they couldn't be there to greet the President as he stepped off of Air Force One. Not even Allegheny County Executive Dan Onorato (D) could make time for Obama — campaigning for Governor was more important. Pittsburgh Mayor Luke Ravenstahl was all there by his lonesome self to receive the President.
Jim Lee, president of a local polling firm in Pennsylvania, gave a great reason as to why at least Altmire ducked out when questioned by the Pittsburgh Times-Review.
I think Altmire fears a Charlie Crist moment.That could probably apply to any of those politicians who didn't show up. Between Crist, Sestak, and Romanoff, it's clear that having Obama in your back pocket doesn't do you a whole lot of good when it comes to actually staying in politics.
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