House Democrats on Wednesday barely won a 210-209 vote to adjourn the House without extending the Bush tax cuts.
Thirty-nine House Democrats voted against adjournment after Minority Leader John Boehner (R-Ohio) urged opposition to the motion in a floor speech that said it would be irresponsible for Congress to leave without providing certainty on the tax issue. Dozens of Democrats in tough races voted against adjourning.
Heartache: The sweet dream of bipartisanship was dashed again again by Nancy Pelosi & Co. Say, who were these brave, principled, pro-growth Democrats who boldly sided with Republicans to advocate the expansion of a policy instituted by President Bush?
The 39 Democrats who voted against adjournment were a mix of centrist Blue Dogs and vulnerable members from Republican-leaning districts. Reps. Jason Altmire (Pa.), Gerry Connolly (Va.), Travis Childers (Miss.), Joe Donnelly (Ind.), Steve Driehaus (Ohio), Stephanie Herseth Sandlin (S.D.), Frank Kratovil (Md.), Walt Minnick (Idaho) and Tom Perriello (Va.) were among the vulnerable Democrats to vote against ending the work period without voting on the tax cuts.
Three House Democrats who are running for Senate, Reps. Brad Ellsworth (Ind.), Charlie Melancon (La.) and Joe Sestak (Pa.) also voted against adjournment.
In other words, the Expediency Express was pretty crowded yesterday. Voters won't be fooled by this political charade put on by the same crowd that bestowed upon their unwilling countrymen a government takeover of health care, an $800 Billion failed stimulus, and institutionalized trillion-dollar deficits.
Meanwhile, Senate Republicans continue to beat the drum about the harmful effects of leaving American families and businesses in limbo about President Obama's scheduled tax increases in the midst of a stubborn recession:
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