The newest numbers, from the West camp show him leading [Rep. Ron] Klein 48 percent to 42 percent.
The survey was conducted by Wilson Research Strategies from Sept. 20-22, 2010.
Among the most critical group of voters -- independents, who make up an unusually large share of the voters in the Broward-Palm Beach county 22nd District -- West leads 52 percent to 36 percent, according to his poll.
True, the Klein campaign released its own poll earlier in the week showing their man narrowly ahead, but unlike Klein's survey...
The West campaign released the entire poll, so it’s possible to see what order questions were asked and see if an earlier question might bias a later question.
Any way you slice it, FL-22 is going to be a dogfight and could very well boil down to the ground game: Turnout and GOTV operations. Coattails could be a wash, too, with Marco Rubio pulling away in the Senate race, but Democrat Alex Sink maintaining a stable lead in Florida's Governor race.
West is on the air with a series of ads hammering Klein's record in Congress. Here's a taste:
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