Judge Hamilton's controversial decisions include:
- ruling against public prayer in the Indiana State Legislature over "the use of Christ's name or title". Yet, a Muslim imam's prayer to "Allah" was seemingly okay to Judge Hamilton
- opposing the placement of a menorah in the Indianapolis-Marion County Building
- blocking the implementation of an informed consent law for 7 years
- disregarding the prior conviction of a repeat drug offender, effectively ignoring a law requiring the Judge to sentence the convicted offender to life in prison
Many of Judge Hamilton's rulings were subsequently overturned by higher courts, sometimes with scolding rebukes of the Judge's decisions.
Click here to read Senator Sessions' letter to his colleagues.
More to come soon...
UPDATE: Word on the street is the Judge Hamilton nomination could come to the floor for a vote as early as next week. If you don't think this sort of behavior should be rewarded with an appointment to a circuit court, call your senators and let them know!
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