For the first time in more than seven months -- as we explained yesterday -- President Barack Obama visited the Badger State to campaign and meet with voters. But that’s not really what piqued my interest. Rather, it was the substance of his remarks (via USA Today):
President Obama told supporters in Wisconsin today that he needs more that [sic] one term to make the kinds of changes that Washington needs."From the day I ran for this office last year -- er, four years ago, it seems like just last year -- I've always said change take [sic] more than one term, one president, one party," Obama said at a fundraiser in Milwaukee.
Again casting the race against Mitt Romney as a stark choice between two visions of government, Obama said the election can break up the gridlock in Washington that has frustrated some of his plans.
"We've got what it takes to succeed," Obama said. "but what's preventing us from realizing that potential is the politics in Washington. Part of what this election is about is giving people the voice to break that deadlock. It may be harder but it leads to the better place.
That statement in bold is not entirely true. In fact, after candidate Obama became the 44th President of the United States, he sat down with NBC’s Matt Lauer for an exclusive interview and said something Americans should never forget:
“If I don’t have this done in three years, there’s going to be a one term proposition.
The president explicitly said he would fix the economy in his first term -- or the voters could send him back to Chicago. He didn’t. And remember: his $825 billion “stimulus” package failed to live up to his own standards and now we’re experiencing the weakest economic recovery since the Great Depression. Millions of Americans can’t find work and, according to the nonpartisan Congressional Budget Office, the unemployment rate will exceed eight percent for the rest of the year. The president asserted yesterday “change” takes more than one presidential term, a far cry from what he said in 2009. Perhaps it's time for Americans to elect a different leader to finish the job -- one whose rhetoric doesn't change when his policies fail to work as promised.
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